Comments on NYSE Rulemaking

Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change to (1) Amend Rules 7.36 and 7.37 to Add the Designated Market Maker as a Participant for Trading of Exchange-listed Securities on Pillar; (2) Amend Rule 7.31 to Add Auction-Only Orders and Make Related Changes; (3) Add New Trading Rules Relating to Auctions for Pillar; (4) Make Conforming Amendments to Rules 1.1, 7.11, 7.12, 7.16, 7.18, 7.32, 7.34, and 7.36; and (5) Amend the Preambles on Current Exchange Rules Relating to their Applicability to the Pillar Trading Platform

[Release No. 34-85176; File No. SR-NYSE-2019-05]