Form C XML Technical Specification (Version 3)

Implementation Date: July 9, 2018

The EDGAR Form C XML Technical specification (Version 3) document details the valid structure and content of the Form C Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) Extensible Markup Language (XML) submission types. This specification provides, to those filers that are interested, the basis for creating Form C XML submissions. The expectation is that software developers, working on behalf of filers, will construct software that will generate a Form C submission that can be successfully processed by the EDGAR system.

The Form C submission file must conform to the EDGAR Form C Submission Taxonomy for the EDGAR system. This taxonomy comprises a collection of XML Schema Definition (.xsd) files that defines the structure of EDGAR Form C submissions. The Form C XML submissions can be transmitted to the SEC via the ‘Transmit’ link on the EDGAR FilerWeb ( or the ‘Transmit XML Submission’ link on the EDGAR OnlineForms/XML Website (

EDGAR Release 18.2 will introduce the following changes:

  • The currentEmployees element has been changed from an integer to decimal type (up to two decimal places) in eis_FormC_Filer.xsd. This change allows for fractional amounts of employees to be accepted in a filing
  • A new data type “DECIMAL_TYPE7_2_NONNEGATIVE” has been added to the eis_Common.xsd