Fixed Income Market Structure Advisory Committee — Technology and Electronic Trading Subcommittee

Summary Minutes of December 2, 2019 Call

The Technology and Electronic Trading Subcommittee held a call on December 2, 2019.

The call convened at approximately 2:00 p.m. via telephone. The following Subcommittee members were on the call:

Dan Allen
Matt Andresen
John Bagley
Horace Carter
Larry Harris
Rick McVey
Lee Olesky
Larry Tabb
Sonali Theisen

The following other persons joined the call:

Edmund Griffin, Brian Hickey, Maile Robichaud, Kyle Kelly, State Street Global Advisors
Chatterjee Biswarup, Citigroup
Alie Diagne, FINRA
Philip Cichlar, Jane Street

The following staff from the Division of Trading and Markets joined the call:

Ben Bernstein
David Dimitrious
Tom Eady
Arisa Kettig

The following staff from the Office of Municipal Securities joined the call:

Ahmed Abonamah

The following staff from the Division of Economic and Risk and Analysis also joined the call:

Adam Wendell
Seung Won Woo

The Subcommittee discussed considering potential enhancements to TRACE and MSRB trade reporting. The Subcommittee heard from various market participants on matters regarding the reporting of corporate bond trades, retail trades, and electronic trades to TRACE and MSRB.

The call concluded at approximately 3:00 p.m.