Fixed Income Market Structure Advisory Committee — Technology and Electronic Trading Subcommittee

Summary Minutes of November 14, 2019 Call

The Technology and Electronic Trading Subcommittee held a call on November 14, 2019.

The call convened at approximately 1:30 p.m. via telephone. The following Subcommittee members were on the call:

Matt Andresen
John Bagley
Horace Carter
Rick McVey
Larry Tabb
Brad Winges

The following staff from the Division of Trading and Markets joined the call:

Ben Bernstein
David Dimitrious
Tom Eady
Arisa Kettig
Patrick Norton
Justin Pica

The following staff from the Office of Municipal Securities joined the call:

Ahmed Abonamah

The following staff from the Division of Economic and Risk and Analysis also joined the call:

Michael Schihl
Seung Won Woo

The Subcommittee discussed potential topics for future subcommittee consideration including matters concerning cybersecurity education and best practices, electronic trading TRACE reporting, and internal cross trades.

The call concluded at approximately 2:30 p.m.