Fixed Income Market Structure Advisory Committee — Corporate Bond Transparency Subcommittee

Summary Minutes of September 17, 2020 Call

The Corporate Bond Transparency Subcommittee held a call on September 17, 2020.

The call convened at approximately 3:00 p.m. via telephone. The following Subcommittee Members were on the call:

Gilbert Garcia
Robin Foley
Larry Harris
Michael Heaney
Scott Krohn
Rick McVey
Ola Persson

The following staff from the Division of Trading and Markets were on the call:

Steven Despres
David Dimitrious
Tom Eady
Arisa Kettig
Justin Pica

The following staff from the Office of Municipal Securities were also on the call:

Ahmed A. Abonamah

The Subcommittee continued to discuss potential content and presentation structure regarding the impact of COVID-19 on the corporate bond market for the upcoming FIMSAC meeting.

The call concluded at approximately 3:35 p.m.