Equity Market Structure Advisory Committee — Customer Issues Subcommittee

Summary Minutes of March 30, 2017, Meeting

The Customer Issues Subcommittee held a meeting on March 30, 2017. The meeting convened at approximately 9:02 a.m. The following Subcommittee members were present:

Brad Katsuyama
Ted Kaufman*
Richard Ketchum*
Manisha Kimmel
Jamil Nazarali
Nancy Smith*

*Attended by teleconference

The following industry participants were present for the meeting:

Dave Cushing, Wellington Management
Matt Lyons, Capital Group
Nick Nielsen, Marshall Wace
Bill Stephenson, Franklin Templeton

The following staff from the Division of Trading and Markets joined the meeting via teleconference:

Michael Coe
Marsha Dixon
Emerald Greywoode
Arisa Kettig
Leah Mesfin
Andrew Sioson

The following staff from the Division of Economic and Risk Analysis joined the meeting via teleconference:

Adam Bloomfield
Hao Zhang

The first order of business was a roundtable discussion among the Subcommittee members and the industry participants. The topics of discussion included disclosure usability, harmonization between SEC rules and MiFID II, and general market structure issues from the buy-side perspective.

The second order of business was to discuss the status report that the Subcommittee intends to present to the Committee during the next meeting.

The meeting concluded at approximately 10:57 a.m.