
EDGAR Filer Support Contacts

June 3, 2024

(202) 551-8900

9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. ET, Monday – Friday except federal holidays; leave a voicemail if calling outside business hours.

Select the option below for the help you need. 

Quickly and Easily Find the Information You Need

How Do I Guides which answer many common questions, include step by step instructions on many topics, and help filers understand the EDGAR system.

Online resources are also available and listed below each topic.

Option #1: Help with Filing Fees

Option #2: EDGAR Next Help

Option #3: Filer Technical Support

Option #4: Corporation Finance Filings

Option #5: Investment Management Filings

Option #6: Transfer Agents

Option #7: Large Traders and Form 13H

Option #8: Municipal Advisor Registration

Last Reviewed or Updated: Oct. 26, 2023