
Request a Refund

April 14, 2015

Filers can request a return of unused account funds via the EDGAR Filing Website for various reasons.

Once you have logged into EDGAR and accessed the Retrieve/Edit Company and Submission Data page, you can request for a return of unused funds:

  1. Click the 'Request Return of Unused Funds' link. The 'Select the Method of Payment' page should display.
  2. Select whether you would like a return of your unused funds in the form of a check payment or a wire transfer.
  3. Click the [Submit] button. The 'Request Return of Unused Funds' page displays.
  4. Enter either your Social Security Number or Tax Identification Number in the corresponding fields. Ensure that the format of your SSN is DDD-DD-DDDD or your TIN is DD-DDDDDDD, where D is a digit.
  5. Enter the amount (in dollars) to be refunded in the Amount of Request in US Dollars field.
  6. Justify your request by selecting from the options given. If you select "Other", then provide a description in the text box provided.
  7. Enter the e-mail address (up to three) of anyone else that you want to notify if the request for refund has been accepted or rejected. An e-mail address must be in the standard e-mail format and include one "@" and at least one "." after the "@".
  8. If necessary, you may update the Contact Name and Phone Number for this return of unused funds request.
    • Note: The Contact Name, Phone Number, CIK, Company or Individual name, and Mailing Address are pre-populated. However, only the Contact Name and Phone Number fields are editable for this request. Changes made to the Contact Name and the Phone Number on the request will not update the information stored in the EDGAR company database. To make a permanent change to the Contact Name, Phone Number, or other information maintained in EDGAR (e.g., name, mailing address, contact information, e-mail address), use the 'Edit Company Information' link available on the Request Return of Unused Funds page.
  9. Provide the following additional details if you selected 'Wire Transfer' as the method of payment:
    • Name of the institution: Enter the name of the institution.
    • 9-digit routing number (ACH ABA#): Enter the 9 digit routing number in the format DDDDDDDDD where D represents a digit.
    • Depositor's Account Number: Enter the account number of the depositor.
    • Type of Account: Specify the type of account, whether it is a savings or a checking account.
  10. Click the [Submit Request] button on the 'Request Return of Unused Funds' page. The 'Request Return of Unused Funds Confirmation' page should display.
  11. Click the [Submit Request] button on the 'Request Return of Unused Funds Confirmation' page. You will be notified of the status of your request via e-mail - whether the request for return of unused funds was accepted or denied.
  • Note: You can also view the notification via the 'Retrieve Submission Information' link on the OnlineForms Management or the EDGAR Filing website.

Click the [Cancel Request] button to return to the Request Return of Unused Funds page.

Last Reviewed or Updated: Dec. 22, 2022