
Observations from OCIE’s Examinations of Investment Advisers: Supervision, Compliance and Multiple Branch Offices

Nov. 9, 2020

The Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (“OCIE”) conducted a series of examinations that focused on SEC-registered investment advisers operating from numerous branch offices and with operations geographically dispersed from the adviser’s principal or main office (“Multi-Branch Initiative” or “Initiative”). This Initiative focused on, among other things, the assessment of the compliance and supervisory practices relating to advisory personnel working within the advisers’ branch offices. This Risk Alert contains observations resulting from the examinations under the Initiative, including nearly 40 examinations of advisers’ main offices combined with one or more examinations of each adviser’s branch offices.

View the Risk Alert: Observations from OCIE’s Examinations of Investment Advisers: Supervision, Compliance and Multiple Branch Offices

Last Reviewed or Updated: Nov. 9, 2020