RSS Feeds
The following SEC RSS feeds are a helpful online resource for staying current on the most recent materials posted to the SEC website, including EDGAR filings. Most current browsers include an RSS component, allowing the user to subscribe to and aggregate feeds. For more information on using RSS, see RSS Feeds from
Most Recent SEC Materials
- Press Releases
- Speeches and Statements
- Litigation Releases
- Administrative Proceedings
- Trading Suspensions
- Interactive Data Filings and RSS Feeds
EDGAR Search RSS Feeds
Some EDGAR search results can be captured as RSS Feeds. The RSS link on various EDGAR searches is located on the left, immediately above the filings result list.
- Company Search. Using the Company Search to find the company of interest, you can subscribe to this search to receive the most recent filings from this company. You can further filter your results by Filing Type.
- Latest Filings. Using the Latest Filings Search, you can subscribe to all filings, or filter by company, CIK, or Form Type. You can also choose to include, exclude, or select only Ownership filings (Forms 3, 4, 5). For example, here are the most recent Form 10-Ks (Annual Reports).
- Historical Archives (Boolean). Using the Historical Archives Search, you can search on filing "header information" to select RSS search results. For example, the 2012 S-1 Registration Statements filed by companies incorporated in the state of California. (Notes: results for this search are in alphabetic order, not chronologic order. The indexing for this search lags by one business day.
- Mutual Fund Search. Using the Mutual Fund Search, locate the fund of interest (including a selected series or class), and filter by Filing Type.
Other Resources
- SEC Careers (USAJOBS)
- Most recent SEC materials published in the Federal Register
- Email update service for non-EDGAR postings (not available for company filings)
Last Reviewed or Updated: Oct. 16, 2024