61 FR 68480
Form ADV-T can be obtained from our Public Reference Room; call 202-942-8090
The Commission is publishing for comment new rules and rule amendments under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 ("Advisers Act') to implement provisions of the Investment Advisers Supervision Coordination Act ("Coordination Act') that reallocate regulatory responsibilities for investment advisers between the Commission and the states. The proposed rules would establish the process by which certain advisers would withdraw from Commission registration, exempt certain advisers from the prohibition on Commission registration, and define certain terms. The Commission also is proposing amendments to several rules under the Advisers Act to reflect the changes made by the Coordination Act. The proposed rules and rule amendments are intended to clarify provisions of the Coordination Act and assist investment advisers in ascertaining their regulatory status.
Last Reviewed or Updated: Dec. 20, 1996
61 FR 68480
Form ADV-T can be obtained from our Public Reference Room; call 202-942-8090
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