

Notice to Form N-MFP Filers

July 11, 2016

Date of Notice: July 11, 2016

The Form N-MFP technical specifications have been updated to incorporate the amendments to the form adopted by the Commission on September 16, 2015.[1][2] The draft technical specification, "Draft Form N-MFP2 XML Technical Specification," is available at

Filers should be aware of the following:

If you have questions about Form N-MFP please contact the IM Chief Counsel's Office at 202-551-6865 or IM's Disclosure Review Office, EDGAR Support at 202-551-6989. Or you may email


[1] See Removal of Certain References to Credit Ratings and Amendment to the Issuer Diversification Requirement in the Money Market Fund Rule, Investment Company Act Release No. 31828 (Sep. 16, 2015) [80 FR 58123 (Sep. 25, 2015)].

[2] The compliance date for amended Form N-MFP is October 14, 2016.

Last Reviewed or Updated: Feb. 6, 2017