

EDGAR Release 16.2 Software Upgrade - June 13, 2016

June 14, 2016

On June 13, 2016, EDGAR Release 16.2  introduced the following changes:

  • EDGAR will be updated to allow registrants whose Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code is not 6189 (asset-backed securities) to file the following asset-backed securities related submission form types:
  • SF-1, SF-1/A, SF-3, SF-3/A, SF-3MEF, 424H, 424H/A, ABS-EE, ABS-EE/A, 8-K, 8-K/A, 10-D, and 10-D/A.

    The following fields will now be required for all filers submitting form types 10-D and 10-D/A and providing Item 6 or attaching an EX-36 on submission form types 8-K and 8-K/A, irrespective of the filer’s SIC code:

    • Sponsor CIK
    • Depositor CIK
    • ABS Asset Class
  • EDGAR will no longer provide support for the US-GAAP-2014, EXCH-2014, COUNTRY-2012, and CURRENCY-2012 taxonomies. Please see for a complete listing of supported standard taxonomies.
  • Pursuant to a Commission exemptive order issued on June 13, 2016, certain filers will be able to use Inline XBRL in their Related Official Filing for a limited period of time until March of the year 2020, provided that the structured information satisfies all other submission requirements and the conditions specified in the order are met. Inline XBRL is a file format permitting both HTML and Interactive Data tags. Instructions for formatting and attaching Inline XBRL documents to EDGAR submissions are described in a new subsection 5.2.5 of EDGAR Filer Manual, Volume II.

If you have any questions or concerns about the upgrade, please contact Filer Support at (202) 551-8900 (Option 3).

Last Reviewed or Updated: Feb. 6, 2017