About Adobe Acrobat® (PDF)

May 12, 2017

The Adobe Acrobat® Reader allows the viewing and printing of PDF (Portable Document Format) files. To download the Reader, which is freeware, connect to the Adobe Systems Inc. website (see link below). Complete all the download steps; you will only have to do this once. After completion of setup, you'll have the ability to view and print any PDF file; this format is commonly used on the World Wide Web for material that needs to be printed out in a specific format (such as order forms and tax forms). You can download a PDF file to your system to view it, or you can view it on-line.

Download the Adobe Acrobat Reader now.

Note: Several users have reported the following error with PDF files from our site:

There was an error processing a page. There was a problem reading this document (9).

This error message is likely caused by using an old version of the Acrobat Reader. The PDF files on the SEC website were created to be used with the 3.0 (or higher) version of the reader. If your version is older (watch the "splash screen" as the reader starts up; you will see the version number displayed), you should download and install the latest version from Adobe (use link above), and make sure that your browser is configured to "point" to the latest version.

Last Reviewed or Updated: Sept. 22, 1998