Notice Rule

Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change by New York Stock Exchange LLC To Extend the Moratorium on the Administration of the Specialist Performance Evaluation Questionnaire ("SPEQ") Pursuant to Exchange Rule 103A and the Use of the SPEQ Pursuant to Rule 103B ("Moratorium") to the Earlier of December 31, 2008 or the Approval of SR-NYSE-2008-52, To Continue To Suspend the Use of SuperDot Turnaround for Orders Received and Responses to Administrative Messages as Objective Measures in the Assessment of Specialist Performance During the Moratorium and That the SPEQ and Order Reports/Administrative Responses Continue To Be Removed From the Criteria Used To Commence a Specialist Performance Improvement Action

National Securities Exchanges, New York Stock Exchange LLC (NYSE)

Last Reviewed or Updated: Oct. 1, 2008