

Statement Regarding Recommencement of Normal Operations

Washington D.C.

The Securities and Exchange Commission has resumed normal staffing levels and is returning to normal operations. 

Over the past 30 days, with a limited staff, we followed our Operations Plan Under a Lapse in Appropriations and Government Shutdown.  This plan focused on monitoring the functioning of our markets and, as necessary to prevent imminent threats to property, taking action.  I commend our staff for their dedication to this task.  They performed admirably and, as always, with a keen focus on the interests of our Main Street investors.

Our approximately 4,500 employees are now returning to their posts in our Washington, D.C. home office and our 11 regional offices.  The leaders of our Divisions and Offices, in consultation with various members of our staff, are continuing to assess how to most effectively transition to normal operations.  Certain of these Divisions and Offices, including our Divisions of Corporation Finance, Trading and Markets, Investment Management and our Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations, will be publishing statements in the coming days regarding their transition plans.

These statements regarding our transition to normal operations will be available at

In closing, a personal note:  I have noted in the past that our people are our greatest asset.  They bring experience, expertise and commitment to work every day for the benefit of our economy, our markets and, most importantly, our investors.  The past 30 days have underscored just how true that is.  It is my privilege to welcome back the full team.       

Last Reviewed or Updated: Jan. 26, 2019