EDGAR Release 22.3.1
On October 17, 2022, EDGAR Release 22.3.1 will introduce the following changes to the online fillable Form 144:
- Increase the maximum number element sets allowed for "<securitiesInformation>" and "<securitiesToBeSold>" from 20 to 40.
- Increase the maximum number sets allowed for "<securitiesSoldInPast3Months>" from 20 to 200.
- If the filer indicates that the securities were a gift, the “<nameOfPersonfromWhomAcquired>" and "<paymentDate>" are optional elements that the filer may complete.
Refer to this document for information on the updated fields for 144 form types. The “Form 144 XML Technical Specification” will be available on the SEC's Public Website (https://www.sec.gov/info/edgar/tech-specs).
Last Reviewed or Updated: June 28, 2024