Impersonators of Genuine Firms

Public Alert: Holland Capital Management

July 24, 2019

The PAUSE Program lists entities that falsely claim to be registered, licensed, and/or located in the United States in their solicitation of investors. The PAUSE Program also lists entities that impersonate genuine U.S. registered securities firms as well as fictitious regulators, government agencies, or international organizations.

Holland Capital Management

Five Penn Center,
1601 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Phone: 1-267-665-0988
Fax: 1-267-665-0988

  1. The above listed entity is impersonating a genuine entity having a similar name: Holland Capital Management LLC – CIK # 0000936939 / CRD # 106376.
  2. The genuine entity has the following mailing address – 303 W. Madison, Suite 700, Chicago, IL 60606 – it does not appear to maintain a website. The SEC’s Edgar Database contains registration information for the genuine entity.
  3. The impersonator has no connection with, and is not to be confused with, the genuine entity.

Last Reviewed or Updated: June 28, 2024