Public Alert: Dean Witter Consultancy
The PAUSE Program lists entities that falsely claim to be registered, licensed, and/or located in the United States in their solicitation of investors. The PAUSE Program also lists entities that impersonate genuine U.S. registered securities firms as well as fictitious regulators, government agencies, or international organizations.
Dean Witter Consultancy
East 375 Street, 25th Floor
Lexington avenue
New York, NY 10168
Phone: 646-248-7919
- There is no US registered securities firm with this name. Dean Witter Consultancy is impersonating a former constituent part of the genuine broker-dealer firm Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, which dropped the name Dean Witter and became Morgan Stanley & Co., Incorporated on November 5, 1999, according to an amended filing in WebCRD (Central Registration Depository [operated by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)]) LLC. The impersonator has NO connection with, and is not to be confused with, the former genuine entity or with Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, the present name of the genuine broker-dealer firm and a wholly owned subsidiary of Morgan Stanley.
Last Reviewed or Updated: June 28, 2024