Enjoy free public access to millions of informational documents filed by publicly traded companies and others in the SEC's Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) system.  

Company Search

Find registration statements, periodic reports, and other forms by typing the name or ticker symbol of a company (CIK lookup info) (confidential treatment orders) (SEC correspondence with issuers

Search Match Options
File Number (must be left blank to search by company name)
Ownership Forms 3, 4, and 5.

EDGAR Search Tools

Some specific ways to access filings based on time, type, or other categories. 

Full Text Search

Find keywords and phrases in more than 20 years of EDGAR filings, and filter by date, company, person, filing category, or location.

Latest Filings

View a listing of real-time filings as they are submitted into the EDGAR system. Also view daily filings by form type within the past week.

Search Assistance

Tutorials and resources to help users locate filings, conduct research, and retrieve specific information in EDGAR.

Mutual Fund Search

View prospectuses, proxy voting records, and other forms by typing the name of a mutual fund or ETF.

Variable Insurance Product Search

Find a product by typing the name of an insurance company, underlying mutual fund, or contract.

EDGAR Resources

Data and information to assist users as they navigate the EDGAR system.

SIC Codes

A list of Standard Industrial Classification Codes used to indicate a company's type of business.

CIK Lookup

A search engine to find Central Index Key numbers assigned by the SEC to corporate or individual filers.

Public Dissemination Service (PDS)

An option to subscribe to a privatized system to receive a dedicated feed of all public EDGAR filings.


RESTful data Application Programming Interfaces that include the submissions history by filer and the XBRL data from financial statements.


Really Simple Syndication feeds for EDGAR submissions through which users can view, analyze, and manipulate filings.

Last Reviewed or Updated: July 2, 2024