Q: What does the variable "Apache log file zone" or "zone" represent?
A: Zone refers to the time zone associated with the server that completed processing the request. For a complete list of the variables, please see the List of Variables.

Q: What does the variable "status code" or "code" represent?
A: Status code refers to the HTTP status code associated with the request, such as successful responses, redirects, and errors. For a complete list of the variables, please see the List of Variables.

Q: Have there been any changes to the data collection or reporting methodology over time?
A: Generally there have been no changes to the data collection or reporting methodology. Changes that have been made since the data was posted have been noted on the EDGAR Log File Data Set page.

Q: Why does it appear that certain SEC IP addresses are missing from the data?
A: The SEC has, at different points in time, changed how we route internal SEC traffic to EDGAR.  Currently, SEC users are routed to EDGAR the same way as external visitors, which results in SEC IP addresses appearing on the logs.  For periods of time during which this was not the case, SEC IP addresses do not appear on the logs.