
National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Rulemaking

We encourage the public to submit comments on the following filings during the comment period. For detailed instructions, please read How to Submit Comments. We strongly encourage you to send your comments electronically. They will be posted on this website.

Release Number SEC Issue Date Sort ascending File Number SRO Organization Details
34-87911 Jan 8, 2020 SR-NSCC-2019-801 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of Filing of Advance Notice to Enhance National Securities Clearing Corporation's Haircut-Based Volatility Charge Applicable to Municipal Bonds
34-87912 Jan 8, 2020 SR-NSCC-2019-802 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of Filing of Advance Notice to Issue Term Debt as Part of its Liquidity Risk Management
34-83955 Aug 27, 2018 SR-NSCC-2017-805 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of No Objection to an Advance Notice, as Modified by Amendment No. 1, to Adopt a Recovery & Wind-down Plan and Related Rules
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34-83952 Aug 27, 2018 SR-NSCC-2017-806 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of No Objection to an Advance Notice, as Modified by Amendment No. 1, to Amend the Loss Allocation Rules and Make Other Changes
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34-83745 Jul 31, 2018 SR-NSCC-2017-805 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of Filing of Amendment No. 1 to an Advance Notice to Adopt a Recovery & Wind-down Plan and Related Rules
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See Also - Exhibit 4, Exhibit 5a, Exhibit 5b, Commission's Request for Additional Information, Response to the Commission's Request for Additional Information
34-83748 Jul 31, 2018 SR-NSCC-2017-806 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of Filing of Amendment No. 1 to an Advance Notice to Amend the Loss Allocation Rules and Make Other Changes
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See Also - Exhibit 4, Exhibit 5, Commission's Request for Additional Information, Response to the Commission's Request for Additional Information
34-82780 Feb 26, 2018 SR-NSCC-2017-808 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of No Objection to Advance Notice Filing, as Modified by Amendment No. 1, to Enhance the Calculation of the Volatility Component of the Clearing Fund Formula that Utilizes a Parametric Value-at-Risk Model and Eliminate the Market Maker Domination Charge
34-82676 Feb 9, 2018 SR-NSCC-2017-807 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of No Objection to an Advance Notice to Increase the Authorized Amount Under the Prefunded Liquidity Program
34-82631 Feb 5, 2018 SR-NSCC-2017-808 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of Filing of Advance Notice, as Modified by Amendment No. 1, to Enhance the Calculation of the Volatility Component of the Clearing Fund Formula that Utilizes a Parametric Value-at-Risk Model and Eliminate the Market Maker Domination Charge
See Also - Exhibit 5
34-82584 Jan 24, 2018 SR-NSCC-2017-806 National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC-AN) Notice of Filing and Extension of the Review Period of an Advance Notice to Amend the Loss Allocation Rules and Make Other Changes
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See Also - Exhibit 5, Commission's Request for Additional Information, Response to the Commission's Request for Additional Information