Federal/State Cooperation
Representatives of SEC staff and state securities regulators frequently meet throughout the year. In addition to these meetings, the SEC and the North American Securities Administrators Association, Inc. (“NASAA”) organize and hold an annual conference pursuant to Section 19(d) of the Securities Act of 1933 for representatives of the SEC and state securities regulators. The SEC and NASAA have also entered into the following agreements and initiatives to strengthen collaboration among state and federal securities regulators.
- Press Release: SEC, NASAA Sign Info-Sharing Agreement for Crowdfunding and Other Offerings (February 17, 2017)
- Memorandum of Understanding Between U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and North American Securities Administrators Association, Inc. on Coordinated Form D Filing (April 5, 2010)
- Press Release: SEC Staff and NASAA to Explore Means to Improve Cooperation (September 14, 2003)
- Securities and Exchange Commission Announces Agreement to Promote Coordinated Industry Examinations (November 30, 1995)
- Memorandum of Understanding Among the Securities and Exchange Commission, American Stock Exchange, Chicago Board Options Exchange, National Association of Securities Dealers, New York Stock Exchange, and the North American Securities Administrators Association, Concerning Consultation and Coordination With Respect to the Regulatory Examination of Broker-Dealers (November 28, 1995)
Last Reviewed or Updated: April 14, 2017