
Harvey M. Burstein and James D. Loeffelbein

Securities Act of 1933
Release No. 8219 / April 2, 2003

Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Release No. 47620 / April 2, 2003

Administrative Proceeding
File No. 3-10545

In the Matter of

Harvey M. Burstein and
James D. Loeffelbein


Order Directing Distribution of Disgorgement Fund

On December 6, 2002, the Commission published notice of the Plan of Disgorgement Distribution ("Plan") proposed by the Division of Enforcement ("Division") in this proceeding. The Plan proposed that $263,345.24 of disgorgement and interest paid by respondents Harvey M. Burstein and James D. Loeffelbein pursuant to the Commission's Orders issued on April 9, 2002 be distributed pro rata among the customers of BMA Financial Services, Inc. ("BMA"), other than Burstein or Loeffelbein, who purchased shares of the common stock of Edgerton Musical Amplifiers, Inc. through BMA between February 20, 1997 and May 31, 1997. The Plan was approved on January 29, 2003. The Commission's staff has employed reasonable efforts to locate the claimants identified in the Plan and gather information as contemplated by the Plan, and has sought an order of the Commission authorizing distribution to claimants in accordance with the terms of the Plan.


IT IS ORDERED that the Office of Financial Management shall make the following distributions1 no later than 30 days after the date of this Order:

Robert D. and Donna M. Mitchell $9,472.53
John D. Blaha $17,014.74
Allyn E. Self $4,782.35
Edward and Louise Wiseman $21,225.63
Charles W. and Monica A. Moll $25,552.39
Jeffrey S. Sugar $11,035.92
Lisa Sugar Price $11,035.92
Robin A. Sugar $11,035.92
Paul J. Brandt $4,782.35
Lawrence D. and Dean L. Kehoe $7,120.86
Scott A. Gartner $2,401.71
Thomas B. Usrey, Jr. $6,483.56
Robert S. Elliott $2,430.68
Bush Trust $ 38,332.54
Sarah V. Spencer Trust $ 16,838.29
Timothy C. Raglin $1,242.99
George W. Kerdolff, III $995.45
Joanna Bush $995.45
Donna D. Harvey $995.45
Jerry P. Stabenow $747.90
Stacie M. Depew $1,229.82
Randell L. Depew $2,441.21
Kermitt W. Depew $4,542.71
Ted Koutsoubos $47,649.69
Cynthia A. Gettel $2,380.64
Wolfgang M. Thrun $3,307.62
Susie D. Thrun $1,653.81
Ronald and Laura Burstein $231.74
Larry D. Head $3,678.93
Alex M. Petrovic, Jr. $363.42
Mark Felkins $1,340.43

For the Commission, by its Secretary, pursuant to delegated authority.

Margaret H. McFarland
Deputy Secretary

1 Distributions reflected in this Order may appear to be at slight variance with those set forth in the Plan because two investors were deceased, certain payments were combined, and a typographical error was corrected.