Small Funds Feedback Flier

File No. S7-09-20

Tell us what you think!

We are proposing a disclosure framework for mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (“funds”) that would highlight key information for investors. The proposal includes:

In addition, we are proposing amendments to fund advertising rules to promote more transparent and balanced statements about investment costs. Those amendments would apply to all registered investment companies and business development companies.

More information about the proposal is available at

We are particularly interested in learning what small funds think about the proposed disclosure framework. Hearing from small funds could help us learn how the proposed amendments and new rule would affect these funds. We would appreciate your feedback on any or all of the following questions.

All of the following questions are optional, including any questions that ask about identifying information.

Please note that responses to these questions – including any other general identifying information you provide – will be made public.


Item 1: General Identifying Information

Instructions: At your option, you may include general identifying information that would help us contextualize your other feedback on the proposal. This information could include responses to the following questions, as well as any other general identifying information you would like to provide. Responses to these items—like responses to the other items on this Feedback Flier—will be made public.

Item 2: Current Shareholder Reporting and Prospectus Delivery Practices

The fund currently must provide annual and semi-annual shareholder reports in paper, unless the shareholder has elected electronic delivery.

2.3. Rule 30e-3 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 currently provides an optional “notice and access” method to allow funds to satisfy their obligations to transmit shareholder reports, beginning on January 1, 2021. Do you anticipate that the fund will rely on the rule?  

Item 3: Principal Elements of the Proposed New Disclosure Framework

Proposed New Requirements for Funds’ Annual and Semi-Annual Shareholder Reports

3.1. We are proposing that shareholder reports include the content described below. Please indicate whether the content should remain in the shareholder report, as proposed, whether the content should be disclosed elsewhere, or whether the content should be eliminated. If you think the content should be disclosed elsewhere, please explain.
Description Should the content remain in fund shareholder reports, as proposed? Please include any comments that you would like to share about either the usefulness of the proposed content, including whether the content should be eliminated, or the location of the proposed content. If the content should be disclosed elsewhere, please explain.
a. Expense Example
b. Management’s Discussion of Fund Performance (required in Annual Report; optional in Semi-Annual Report)
c. Fund Statistics (fund’s size, number of investments, and annual portfolio turnover)
d. Graphical Representation of Holdings
e. Material Fund Changes (required in Annual Report; optional in Semi-Annual Report)
f. Statement Regarding Liquidity Risk Management Program
3.2. Is there content that should be added to funds’ shareholder reports that is not included in the proposal?  

Proposed New Form N-CSR and Website Availability Requirements

3.6. We are proposing that the fund no longer include the content, described in the chart below, in its annual and semi-annual shareholder reports. Instead, the fund would include that content in its filings on Form N-CSR. Please indicate whether the content should be disclosed in the fund’s filings on Form N-CSR, as proposed, whether the content should remain in the fund’s annual and semi-annual shareholder reports, or whether the content should be eliminated. If you think the content should be disclosed elsewhere, please explain.
Description Should the content be disclosed in filings on Form N-CSR, as proposed? Should the content remain in shareholder reports? Should the content be disclosed elsewhere or eliminated? If the content should be disclosed elsewhere, please explain.
a. Financial statements for funds

b. Financial highlights for funds

c. Remuneration paid to directors, officers and others of funds

d. Changes in and disagreement with accountants for funds

e. Matters submitted to fund shareholders for a vote

f. Statement regarding the basis for the board’s approval of investment advisory contract

3.7. Is there content that a fund should have to disclose on Form N-CSR that is not included in the proposal?

Proposed New Treatment of Annual Prospectus Updates

3.12. Reliance on proposed rule 498B—under which the fund would send existing investors certain notices in lieu of annual prospectus updates—would be optional. Do you think that the fund would rely on proposed rule 498B?

Proposed Changes to Rule 30e-3: Open-End Funds Could No Longer Use “Notice and Access” Model to Transmit Shareholder Reports

Proposed Prospectus Disclosure Changes: Fund Fees and Risks

Proposed Amendments to Fund Advertising Rules

3.18. Does the fund currently include fee and expense information in its advertisements and other marketing materials?

Item 4: Other Feedback

Instructions: Please provide any additional suggestions or comments you have about our fund disclosure proposal.

In addition, please provide any suggestions or comments about what the Commission can do to encourage the use of technology in fund disclosure.

We will post your feedback on our website. Your submission will be posted without change; we do not redact or edit personal identifying information from submissions. You should only make submissions that you wish to make available publicly.

If you are interested in more information on the proposal, or want to provide feedback on additional questions, click here. Comments should be received on or before [date].

Thank You!

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File No. S7-09-20