

Commission Opinions and Adjudicatory Orders for 2008, 2009 and 2010

January 2008 - December 2010

This file contains the respondents, release number, release date, and the url of the opinions and orders issued by the Commission adjudicating either appeals from initial ALJ decisions or disciplinary or adverse action taken by self-regulatory organizations (such as FINRA) or motions in connection with these proceedings.

This file contains the following data fields:

Field Name Field Description
url Location of the opinion or order on the SEC web site
release_number Release Number of the opinion or order
release_date Release Date of the opinion or order
respondents Respondents of the opinion or order

Data Downloads

File Format Size
2010 XML 8.71 KB
2009 XML 9.37 KB
2008 XML 13.08 KB

Last Reviewed or Updated: Dec. 31, 2010