

Statement on Jury’s Verdict in Case Against the Wylys:

Andrew Ceresney
Director, SEC Division of Enforcement

Washington D.C.

“We are gratified by the jury’s verdict finding the Wylys liable for fraud and violations of the reporting requirements for corporate insiders. As proved at trial, the Wylys violated the law by using a system of offshore trusts to conceal their transactions as directors of publicly-traded companies. We will continue to hold accountable, and bring to trial when necessary, those who commit fraud no matter how complex their scheme or how hard they try to hide it.”

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More Information:

  • SEC’s complaint in the case filed in 2010.
  • The trial has taken place in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, and the jury delivered its verdict in the SEC’s favor on all counts today.

Last Reviewed or Updated: May 12, 2014
