
Michael B. Johnson and Michael Johnson & Company, LLC


Litigation Release No. 19711 / May 24, 2006

Securities and Exchange Commission v. Michael B. Johnson and Michael Johnson & Company, LLC, Civil Action No. 04-cv-00626-REB-CBS

The Commission announced that on March 16, 2006, the United States District Court for the District of Colorado entered a Final Judgment against Defendants Michael B. Johnson and Michael Johnson & Company, LLC, based on their consents.

Michael B. Johnson and Michael Johnson & Co. consented to a final judgment which ordered Michael B. Johnson to pay a civil penalty in the amount of $35,000 pursuant to Section 21(d)(3) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 [15 U.S.C. § 78u(d)(3)] All remaining claims as to defendants Michael B. Johnson and Michael Johnson & Co were dismissed.