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Comments on NYSE Arca Rulemaking

Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change Amending Rule 6.72 to Make Permanent the Penny Trading Program for Options

(Release No. 34-70317; File No. SR-NYSEArca-2013-42)

Submitted Comments

Nov. 7, 2013 Ronald M. Pittelkau, MNR Executions, LLC, Chicago, Illinois
Oct. 30, 2013 Gerald D. O'Connell, Chief Compliance Coordinator, Susquehanna International Group, Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania
Oct. 25, 2013 Jeffrey Kaufmann, Managing Partner, Lakeshore Securities LP, Chicago, Illinois
Oct. 17, 2013 Harris Bock, CEO, Dynamex Trading LLC, New York, New York
Oct. 16, 2013 Michael Simon, Secretary, International Securities Exchange, LLC, New York, New York
Oct. 15, 2013 John Nagel, Esq., Managing Director and General Counsel, Citadel Securities, Chicago, Illinois
Oct. 7, 2013 Jenny L. Golding, Senior Attorney, Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated
Oct. 1, 2013 Benjamin Londergan, CEO, Group One Trading, L.P., Chicago, Illinois
Oct. 1, 2013 Michael Simon, Secretary, International Securities Exchange, LLC, New York, New York
Sep. 30, 2013 John M. Liftin, Managing Director and General Counsel, The D. E. Shaw Group
Sep. 19, 2013 International Securities Exchange

Meetings with SEC Officials

Nov. 13, 2013 Memorandum from the Division of Trading and Markets regarding a November 13, 2013, telephone call with representatives of Exchanges, SIFMA and The Options Clearing Corporation
Nov. 13, 2013 Memorandum from the Division of Trading and Markets regarding an October 30, 2013, telephone call with representatives of D.E. Shaw & Co., LLP
Nov. 7, 2013 Memorandum from the Division of Trading and Markets regarding a November 4, 2013, meeting with representatives of NYSE Regulation and NYSE Euronext
Nov. 4, 2013 Memorandum from the Division of Trading and Markets regarding a November 4, 2013, telephone call with representatives of Exchanges, SIFMA and The Options Clearing Corporation
Oct. 29, 2013 Memorandum from the Division of Trading and Markets regarding a October 23, 2013, telephone call with representatives of Exchanges, SIFMA and The Options Clearing Corporation
Oct. 2, 2013 Memorandum from the Division of Trading and Markets regarding a September 25, 2013, telephone call with representatives of Citigroup
Sep. 19, 2013 Memorandum from the Division of Trading and Markets regarding a September 18, 2013, telephone call with Exchange representatives, and representatiaves of SIFMA and The Options Clearing Corporation
Aug. 13, 2013 Memorandum from the Division of Trading and Markets regarding a August 13, 2013, telephone call with Exchange representatives, and representatiaves of SIFMA and The Options Clearing Corporation

Modified: 11/15/2013