Comments on S7-17-01
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Comments on Joint Proposed Rule:
Applicability of CFTC and SEC Customer Protection, Recordkeeping, Reporting, and Bankruptcy Rules and the Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970 to Accounts Holding Security Futures Products

[Release No. 34-44854; File No. S7-17-01]

  • Memorandum from Patricia Albrecht regarding conversations with Morgan Stanley Dean Witter on February 27, 2002 and March 5, 2002 dated March 13, 2002 (File name: 031302morgan.htm)
  • Memorandum from Patricia Albrecht regarding conversations with Credit Suisse First Boston on March 11, 2002 and March 12, 2002 dated March 12, 2002 (File name: 031202creditsuisse.htm)
  • Memorandum from Patricia Albrecht regarding a conference call with Morgan Stanley Dean Witter on February 12, 2002 dated March 12, 2002 (File name: 031202morgan.htm)
  • Comments of John M. Damgard, President, Futures Industry Association and Mark E. Lackritz, President, Securities Industry Association, December 5, 2001 (File name: damgard1.htm)

  • Comments of Thomas Sexton, National Futures Association, Chicago, IL, December 5, 2001 (File name: sexton1.htm)

  • Memorandum of Meeting with the FIA/SIA Joint Steering Committee on Securities Futures Regarding the Proposed Single Stock Future Margin and Customer Protection Rules (Exchange Act Release Nos. 44853 and 44854, respectively), November 30, 2001 (File name: gauch1.htm)

  • Comments of Barbara Wierzynski, General Counsel, Futures Industry Association and Stuart Kaswell, General Counsel, Securities Industry Association, October 16, 2001 (File name: wierzynski1.htm)

Modified: 07/07/2003