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Comments on OCC Rulemaking

Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change to Reflect the Elimination of a Discount to OCC's Clearing Fee Schedule

(Release No. 34-71769; File No. SR-OCC-2014-05)

Submitted Comments

May 15, 2014 James Brown, General Counsel, OCC
Apr. 24, 2014 Howard L. Kramer, Willkie Farr & Gallagher, on behalf of Belvedere Trading, et al.
Apr. 17, 2014 John Daley, Stifel Nicolaus, Chairman of the Board, and James Toes, President & CEO, Security Traders Association
Apr. 17, 2014 Ellen Greene, Vice President, Financial Services Operations, SIFMA
Apr. 17, 2014 James E. Brown, General Counsel, The Options Clearing Corporation, General Counsel
Mar. 26, 2014 Howard L. Kramer, Willkie Farr & Gallagher, on behalf of Belvedere Trading, et al.

Meetings with SEC Officials

Apr. 7, 2014 Memorandum of the Division of Trading and Markets regarding an April 7, 2014, telephonic meeting with representatives from options market makers
Mar. 27, 2014 Memorandum of the Division of Trading and Markets regarding a March 27, 2014, telephonic meeting with representatives from options market makers

Modified: 05/16/2014