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Comments on NYSE Arca Rulemaking

Order Instituting Proceedings to Determine Whether to Approve or Disapprove a Proposed Rule Change Relating to the Listing and Trading of Shares of SolidX Bitcoin Trust under NYSE Arca Equities Rule 8.201

[Release No. 34-79171; File No. SR-NYSEArca-2016-101]

Submitted Comments

Mar. 15, 2017 Daniel H. Gallancy, CFA, SolidX Management LLC
Mar. 3, 2017 Craig M. Lewis, Madison S. Wigginton Professor of Finance, Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
Feb. 22, 2017 Douglas M. Yones, Head of Exchange Traded Products, New York Stock Exchange
Feb. 16, 2017 Martha Redding, Associate General Counsel, Assistant Secretary, New York Stock Exchange
Feb. 13, 2017 Craig M. Lewis, Madison S. Wigginton Professor of Finance, Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
Dec. 8, 2016 Ken I. Maher
Dec. 7, 2016 Balaji Srinivasan, et al.
Dec. 7, 2016 Denise Krisko, CFA, President and Co-Founder, Vident Investment Advisory, LLC
Dec. 7, 2016 Joseph Colangelo, President, Consumers' Research
Dec. 7, 2016 Jerry Brito, Executive Director, Coin Center, Washington, District of Columbia
Dec. 1, 2016 Thaya B. Knight, Associate Director, Financial Regulation Studies, The Cato Institute, Washington, District of Columbia
Nov. 23, 2016 Daniel H. Gallancy, CFA, SolidX Management LLP, New York, New York

Meetings with SEC Officials

Feb. 22, 2017 Memorandum from the Division of Trading and Markets regarding a February 21, 2017, meeting with representatives of NYSE Arca, Inc. and SolidX Partners Inc.
Feb. 22, 2017 Memorandum from the Division of Trading and Markets regarding a January 13, 2017, meeting with representatives of NYSE Arca, Inc. and SolidX Partners Inc.

Modified: 03/16/2017