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Comments on FINRA Rulemaking

Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change Amending the Code of Arbitration Procedure for Customer Disputes and the Code of Arbitration Procedure for Industry Disputes to Require All Parties Other Than Pro Se Customers to File and Serve Pleadings and Documents Through the FINRA Office of Dispute Resolution's Party Portal and to Permit Mediation Parties to Use the Portal

(Release No. 34-78549; File No. SR-FINRA-2016-029)

Oct. 28, 2016 Margo A. Hassan, Associate Chief Counsel, FINRA, New York, New York
Sep. 7, 2016 Hugh D. Berkson, President, Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association, Norman, Oklahoma
Sep. 7, 2016 Nicole G. Iannarone, Assistant Clinical Professor, and Michael F. Williford, Student Intern;Investor Advocacy Clinic, Georgia State University College of Law
Sep. 7, 2016 David T. Bellaire, Esq., Executive Vice President & General Counsel, Financial Services Institute
Aug. 30, 2016 David Lagziel, CEO, Conflicteam
Aug. 12, 2016 Steven B. Caruso, Maddox Hargett & Caruso, P.C., New York, New York

Modified: 10/31/2016