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Comments on NASD Rulemaking

Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change and Amendment Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 Thereto, To Require Members To Provide Customers in TRACE-Eligible Debt Securities with Additional, Transaction-Specific Disclosures and To Notify Customers of the Availability of a Disclosure Document

(Release No. 34-56661; File No. SR-NASD-2005-100)

Sep. 5, 2008 Sharon K. Zackula, Associate Vice President and Associate General Counsel, FINRA
Dec. 3, 2007 Donald E. Merrifield, Senior Vice President Director of Taxable, Fixed Income and Wesley Ringo, Senior Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer
Dec. 3, 2007 Manisha Kimmel, Executive Director, Financial Information Forum on behalf of the FIF Multi-Client Back Office Working Group
Dec. 3, 2007 M. E. Midkiff, III, President, Midkiff & Stone Capital Group, Inc.
Nov. 28, 2007 Richard L. Sandow, Southlake Capital Advisors, Inc., Southlake, Texas

Modified: 09/11/2008