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Comments on FINRA Rulemaking

Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change to Adopt FINRA Rule 6191(a) to Implement the Quoting and Trading Requirements of the Regulation NMS Plan to Implement A Tick Size Pilot Program

(Release No. 34-76484; File No. SR-FINRA-2015-048)

Submitted Comments

Feb. 12, 2016 Andrew Madar, Associate General Counsel, FINRA, Washington, District of Columbia
Jan. 25, 2016 Mary Lou Von Kaenel, Managing Director, Financial Information Forum
Dec. 16, 2015 Manisha Kimmel, Chief Regulatory Officer, Wealth Management, Thomson Reuters, Chicago, Illinois
Dec. 16, 2015 Mary Lou Von Kaenel, Managing Director, Financial Information Forum






Modified: 02/16/2016