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Requests and additional information:
Business Development Corporation of America, et al. (Notice)

[Release No. IC-31598, File No. 812-14368]

Jul. 24, 2015 Stephanie Darling, General Counsel, Bulldog Investors, LLC
Jul. 23, 2015 Dan Plettner
Jun. 23, 2015 Dan Plettner
Jun. 19, 2015 Stephanie Darling, General Counsel, Bulldog Investors, LLC
Jun. 16, 2015 Steven B. Boehm, Partner, Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP, on behalf of Business Development Corporation of America, et al.
Jun. 8, 2015 Dan Plettner
Jun. 8, 2015 Stephanie Darling, General Counsel, Bulldog Investors, LLC




Modified: 07/30/2015