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Comments on NYSE Rulemaking

Notice ofNotice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change Amending NYSE Rule 123B (Exchange Automated Order Routing System) to Allow a Member Organization to Provide Other Market Participants with Access to the Exchange on an Agency Basis

(Release No. 34-58429; File No. SR-NYSE-2008-71)

Dec. 12, 2008 Mark Gorton, Lime Brokerage LLC, New York, New York
Nov. 7, 2008 Mark Gorton, Lime Brokerage LLC, New York, New York
Sep. 29, 2008 Ann Vlcek, Managing Director and Associate General Counsel, SIFMA
Sep. 24, 2008 Alistair Brown, CEO, Lime Brokerage LLC, New York, New York




Modified: 12/18/2008