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Comments on NYSE Rulemaking

Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change to Rule 431 ("Margin Requirements") and Rule 726 ("Delivery of Options Disclosure Document and Prospectus") to Expand the Products Eligible for Customer Portfolio Margining and Cross-Margining and Eliminate Separate Cross-Margin Accounts

(Release No. 34-53577; File No. SR-NYSE-2006-13)

Oct. 18, 2006 Mike Ianni, Trader, Canada
Jul. 20, 2006 Mary Yeager, Assistant Secretary, New York Stock Exchange LLC
Jun. 5, 2006 Timothy H. Thompson, Sr. Vice President, Chief Regulatory Officer, Chicago Board Options Exchange, Chicago, Illinois
May 19, 2006 William H. Navin, Executive Vice President & General Counsel, Options Clearing Corporation
May 16, 2006 James Barry, Portfolio Margining Committee; John Vitha, Chair, Derivatives Product Committee; and Christopher Nagy, Chair, Options Committee, Securities Industry Association
May 11, 2006 Gary Alan DeWaal, Group General Counsel and Director of Legal and Compliance, Fimat Group
May 10, 2006 Stuart J. Kaswell, Dechert LLP, counsel for Federated Investors, Washington, District of Columbia
May 9, 2006 Craig Donohue, Chief Executive Officer, Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc.
Apr. 21, 2006 Gerard J. Quinn, Vice President and Associate General Counsel, Securities Industry Association
Apr. 21, 2006 Stephen A. Kasprzak, Principal Counsel, Rule and Interpretive Standards, New York Stock Exchange

Modified: 10/19/2006