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Comments on NASDAQ Rulemaking

Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change, as Modified by Amendment No. 1, to Adopt Rule 4753(c) as a Six Month Pilot in 100 NASDAQ-Listed Securities

[Release No. 34-62468; File No. SR-NASDAQ-2010-074]

Nov. 11, 2010 Tim Quast, Managing Director, Modern Networks IR LLC, Denver, Colorado
Aug. 12, 2010 Timothy S. Bennett, Esquire, Assistant General Counsel, The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc., Rockville, Maryland
Aug. 3, 2010 Janet M. Kissane, Senior Vice President and Corporate Secretary, NYSE Euronext
Jul. 21, 2010 Jose Marques, Managing Director, Global Head of Electronic Equity Trading, Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., New York, New York
Jul. 14, 2010 Memorandum from the Office of Commissioner Aguilar regarding a July 13, 2010, meeting with representatives of the Securities Traders Association
Jul. 1, 2010 Joe Ratterman, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, BATS Exchange, Inc.
Jun. 25, 2010 Ann L. Vlcek, Managing Director and Associate General Counsel, Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association

Modified: 11/15/2010