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Comments on NASD Rulemaking

Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Changes Relating to NYSE Rule 472 and NASD Rule 2711

(Release No. 34-54616; File No. SR-NASD-2006-112)

Nov. 29, 2006 Philip Shaikun, Associate Vice President and Associate General Counsel, NASD and Mary C. Yeager, Assistant Corporate Secretary, NYSE, Washington, District of Columbia
Nov. 17, 2006 Charles Comer, Port Washington, New York
Nov. 14, 2006 Michael D. Udoff, Vice President and Associate General Counsel, Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association
Nov. 1, 2006 Lee A. Pickard and William D. Edick, Picard and Djinis LLP, on behalf of the Alliance in Support of Independent Research




Modified: 12/04/2006