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Comments on MSRB Rulemaking

Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change Relating to Amendments to MSRB Rules G-37 and G-8 and Form G-37

[Release No. 34-68872; File No. SR-MSRB-2013-01]

Mar. 26, 2013 Gary L. Goldsholle, General Counsel, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board, Alexandria, Virginia
Mar. 18, 2013 Bill Lockyer, California State Treasurer
Mar. 12, 2013 Jeanine Rodgers Caruso, CIPFA, President of the National Association of Independent Public Finance Advisors
Mar. 5, 2013 Ellen S. Miller, Co-founder and Executive Director, The Sunlight Foundation
Feb. 20, 2013 Robert W. Doty, AGFS, Government Financial Strategies, Inc., Sacramento, California



Modified: 03/27/2013