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Comments on FINRA Rulemaking

Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change Relating to FINRA Rule 8312 (FINRA BrokerCheck Disclosure)

(Release No. 34-60462; File No. SR-FINRA-2009-050)

Oct. 15, 2009 Richard E. Pullano, Associate Vice President and Chief Counsel, FINRA, Rockville, Maryland
Sep. 30, 2009 Laurence S. Schultz, Driggers Schultz and Herbst, Troy, Michigan
Sep. 24, 2009 Scot Bernstein, Law Offices of Scot D. Bernstein, Folsom, California
Sep. 21, 2009 Thomas P. Willcutts, Esq., Willcutts Law Group, LLC, Hartford, Connecticut
Sep. 18, 2009 Ronald M. Amato, Esq,, Shaheen, Novoselsky, Staat, Filipowski Eccleston, PC, Chicago, Illinois
Sep. 17, 2009 Michael W. Malarney, Esq., The Pearl Law Firm, P.A.
Sep. 16, 2009 Steven M. McCauley, Esq., Attorney, Lexington, Kentucky
Sep. 16, 2009 William J. Gladden, JD, CFP, Savannah, Georgia
Sep. 16, 2009 Dale Ledbetter, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Sep. 15, 2009 Richard D. DeVita, Hoboken, New Jersey
Sep. 15, 2009 Roger F. Claxton, Law Office of Roger F. Claxton, Dallas, Texas
Sep. 14, 2009 Peter J. Mougey, Esq.
Sep. 11, 2009 Theodore M. Davis, Esq., Queens, New York
Sep. 11, 2009 John E. Sutherland, Brickley, Sears & Sorett
Sep. 10, 2009 Dayton P. Haigney, Esq., New York, New York
Sep. 10, 2009 Stephen P. Meyer, Esq., Meyer, Ford & Glasser
Sep. 9, 2009 Jeffrey Sonn, Sonn & Erez PLC, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Sep. 9, 2009 W. Scott Greco, Greco & Greco, P.C., McLean, Virginia
Sep. 9, 2009 Nicholas J. Guiliano, Guiliano Law Firm, P.C., Philadelpha, Pennsylvania
Sep. 9, 2009 Alin L. Rosca, Attorney at Law, John S. Chapman & Associates, LLC
Sep. 9, 2009 John Miller, Attorney, Swanson Midgley, LLC, Kansas City, Missouri
Sep. 8, 2009 Steve A. Buchwalter, Esq., Attorney, Encino, California
Sep. 8, 2009 Scott C. Ilgenfritz, Johnson, Pope, Bokor, Ruppel & Burns, LLP, Tampa, Florida
Sep. 8, 2009 Rex Staples, General Counsel, North American Securities Administrators Association
Sep. 8, 2009 Howard Rosenfield, Law Offices of Howard Rosenfield
Sep. 8, 2009 William S. Shepherd, Securities Law Firm Partner, Houston, Texas
Sep. 8, 2009 Christine Lazaro, Supervising Attorney, Peter J. Harrington, Legal Intern, and Lisa A. Catalano, Director, Securities Arbitration Clinic, St. John's University School of Law, Queens, New York
Sep. 8, 2009 Jonathan W. Evans and Michael S. Edmiston, Studio City, California
Sep. 8, 2009 Ryan K. Bakhtiari, Aidikoff, Uhl and Bakhtiari, Beverly Hills, California
Sep. 8, 2009 William A. Jacobson, Associate Clinical Professor, and Director, Cornell Securities Law Clinic, Ithaca, New York
Sep. 8, 2009 Richard A. Lewins, Esq., Attorney, Dallas, Texas
Sep. 8, 2009 Steven M. Sherman, Sherman Business Law
Sep. 8, 2009 Keith L. Griffin, Griffin Law Firm, LLC, Indianapolis, Indiana
Sep. 8, 2009 David Certner, Legislative Counsel and Legislative Policy Director, AARP
Sep. 8, 2009 Tim Canning, Law Offices of Timothy A. Canning, Arcata, California
Sep. 7, 2009 Debra G. Speyer, Esquire, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sep. 7, 2009 Jeffrey A. Feldman, San Francisco, California
Sep. 4, 2009 Jan Graham, Graham Law Offices, Salt Lake City, Utah
Sep. 4, 2009 Robert C. Port, Esq., Atlanta, Georgia
Sep. 4, 2009 Scott R. Shewan, Pape & Shewan LLP, Clovis, California
Sep. 4, 2009 Laurence S. Schultz, Driggers, Schultz & Herbst, P.C.
Sep. 4, 2009 Brian N. Smiley, President, Public Iovestors Arbitration Bar Association
Sep. 1, 2009 Richard M. Layne, Esq., Portland, Oregon
Sep. 1, 2009 Barry D Estell, Esq., Mission, Kansas
Sep. 1, 2009 Rob Bleecher, Attorney, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Sep. 1, 2009 Steven B. Caruso, Esq., Maddox Hargett & Caruso, P.C., New York, New York
Aug. 31, 2009 David P. Neuman, Stoltmann Law Offices, PC, Chicago, Illinois
Aug. 31, 2009 Leonard Steiner, Lawyer, Beverly Hills, California
Aug. 31, 2009 Herb Pounds, San Antonio, Texas
Aug. 31, 2009 James A. Sigler, Granada Hills, California
Aug. 31, 2009 Al Van Kampen, Attorney at Law, Seattle, Washington
Aug. 27, 2009 Seth E. Lipner, Professor of Law, Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, CUNY, New York, New York
Aug. 21, 2009 Daniel W. Roberts, President/CEO, Roberts & Ryan Investments Inc.

Modified: 10/16/2009