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Comments on FINRA Rulemaking

Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change Relating to Amendments to the Codes of Arbitration Procedure to Raise the Amount in Controversy Heard by a Single Chair-Qualified Arbitrator to $100,000

(Release No. 34-58651; File No. SR-FINRA-2008-047)

Dec. 2, 2008 Margo A. Hassan, Counsel, FINRA, New York, New York
Oct. 23, 2008 Gregory M. Scanlon, Vice President & Associate General Counsel, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., San Francisco, California
Oct. 23, 2008 William A. Jacobson, Associate Clinical Professor, Cornell Law School and Director, Cornell Securities Law Clinic, Ithaca, New York
Oct. 23, 2008 David P. Neuman, Stoltmann Law Offices, P.C., Chicago, Illinois
Oct. 23, 2008 Jill Gross, Director, and Stephanie Myers, Student Intern, Investor Rights Clinic, John Jay Legal Services, Inc., Pace University School of Law
Oct. 20, 2008 Laurence S. Schultz, President, Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association
Oct. 20, 2008 Barry D. Estell, Attorney At Law, Mission, Kansas
Oct. 9, 2008 Steven B. Caruso, Maddox Hargett Caruso, P.C., New York, New York

Modified: 12/03/2008