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Comments on FICC Rulemaking

Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change to Introduce Cross-Margining of Certain Positions Cleared at the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation and Certain Positions Cleared at New York Portfolio Clearing, LLC

(Release No. 34-63361; File No. SR-FICC-2010-09)

Feb. 27, 2011 Michael Bodson, Chief Operating Officer and President, Fixed Income Clearing Corporation, and Walt Lukken, Chief Executive Officer, New York Portfolio Clearing, LLC
Feb. 14, 2011 Memorandum from the Office of Commissioner Troy A. Paredes regarding a February 14, 2011, meeting with a representative of New York Portfolio Clearing
Feb. 7, 2011 Michael Bodson, Executive Managing Director, Fixed Income Clearing Corporation, and Walt Lukken, Chief Executive Officer, New York Portfolio Clearing, LLC
Jan. 25, 2011 Memorandum from Division of Trading and Markets regarding a January 25, 2011 phone call with representatives of the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation, New York Portfolio Clearing, and NYSE Liffe US
Jan. 20, 2011 Memorandum from Division of Trading and Markets regarding a January 14, 2011 phone call with staff from the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation
Jan. 20, 2011 Memorandum from Division of Trading and Markets regarding a January 11, 2011, phone call with staff from the Options Clearing Corporation
Jan. 10, 2011 Alex Kogan, Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, The NASDAQ OMX Group, Rockville, Maryland
Jan, 4, 2011 Douglas Landy, Allen & Overy LLP, on behalf of the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation
Dec. 21, 2010 Joan Conley, Senior Vice President and Corporate Secretary, NASDAQ OMX, Rockville, Maryland
Dec. 21, 2010 Adam Cooper, Senior Managing Director and Chief Legal Officer, Citadel LLC, Chicago, Illinois
Dec. 21, 2010 William H. Navin, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, The Options Clearing Corporation
Dec. 21, 2010 John McCarthy, General Counsel, Global Electronic Trading Company, Chicago, Illinois
Dec. 21, 2010 Gary DeWaal, Senior Managing Director and Group General Counsel, Newedge USA, LLC, New York, New York
Dec. 21, 2010 Donald R. Wilson, Jr., DRW Trading Group
Dec. 20, 2010 Bert Fuqua, Managing Director and Counsel, and David Kelly, Managing Director, Legal, UBS Securities LLC
Dec. 17, 2010 John Willian, Managing Director, Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Dec. 15, 2010 Richard D. Marshall, Ropes & Gray LLP
Dec. 10, 2010 John C. Hiatt, Chief Administrative Officer, Ronin Capital LLC
Dec. 8, 2010 Ronald H. Filler, Professor of Law, Director, Center on Financial Services Law, New York Law School
Dec. 6, 2010 Douglas J. Engmann, President, Engmann Options, Inc., San Francisco, California
Dec. 2, 2010 Jack DiMaio, Managing Director, Morgan Stanley, New York, New York

Modified: 03/07/2011