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Comments on CBOE Rulemaking

Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change Relating to Temporary Membership Status Access Fee

(Release No. 34-56197; File No. SR-CBOE-2007-91)

Oct. 23, 2007 Michael J. Crilly, Member Chicago Board of Trade, Illinois
Oct. 15, 2007 Marshall Spiegel, Retired equity member CBOE and CME, Wilmette, Illinois
Oct. 15, 2007 Marshall Spiegel, Retired equity member CBOE and CME, Wilmette, Illinois
Sep. 4, 2007 Paul L. Richards, Member, Chicago Board of Trade and Chicago Board Options Exchange, Chicago, Illinois
Aug. 25, 2007 Paul L. Richards, CBOT Member, Chicago, Illinois
Aug. 24, 2007 Lance R. Goldberg, Member, Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago, Illinois
Aug. 23, 2007 Charles M. Horn, Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP, on behalf of CME Group Inc. and Chicago Board of Trade
Aug. 23, 2007 Michael J. Crilly, Member CBOT
Aug. 16, 2007 Richard Friedman
Aug. 16, 2007 William J. Terman, CBOE /CBOT member, Highland Park, Illinois
Aug. 1, 2007 Edward Reardon, CBOT Full member in 1988

Modified: 10/29/2007