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Comments on Notice of Proposed Order Approving Proposal by NYSE Arca, Inc. To Establish Fees for Certain Market Data and Request for Comment

(Release No. 34-57917)

Nov. 17, 2008 Ira D. Hammerman, Senior Managing Director and General Counsel, Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association
Nov. 14, 2008 Memorandum from the Office of Commissioner Troy A. Paredes regarding a November 14, 2008, meeting with representatives of, Bloomberg L.P., Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP, and LECG LLC
Oct. 14, 2008 Markham C. Erickson, Executive Director and General Counsel, NetCoalition
Sep. 11, 2008 Bart M. Green, Chairman and John Giesea, President & CEO, Security Traders Association
Sep. 10, 2008 Jeffrey S. Davis, Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.
Sep. 9, 2008 Joseph Rizzello, Chief Executive Officer, National Stock Exchange
Aug. 1, 2008 Jeffrey S. Davis, Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.
Jul. 11, 2008 Richard Bartlett, Managing Director, Citigroup Global markets Inc., New York, New York
Jul. 10, 2008 Michael J. Simon, Secretary, International Securities Exchange, LLC
Jul. 10, 2008 David T. Hirschmann, President and Chief Executive Officer, U.S. Chamber Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness, Washington, District of Columbia
Jul. 10, 2008 Markham C. Erickson, Executive Director and General Counsel, NetCoalition
Jul. 10, 2008 Markham C. Erickson, Executive Director and General Counsel, NetCoalition
Jul. 10, 2008 Ira D. Hammerman, Senior Managing Director and General Counsel, Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association
Jul. 9, 2008 William C. Martin, Principal, Indie Research, LLC (dba, Princeton, New Jersey
Jul. 8, 2008 Christopher Perry, Thomson Reuters Markets
Jul. 8, 2008 Mary Yeager, Corporate Secretary, NYSE Arca, Inc.
Jun. 12, 2008 Kreg Rutherford

Modified: 12/02/2008