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Comments on Proposed Rule:
Investment Company Mergers

[Release No. IC-25259, File No. S7-21-01]

  • Comments of Stanley Keller et al., Subcommittee on Investment Companies and Investment Advisers of the Committee on Federal Regulation of Securities, Section of Business Law of the American Bar Association, January 18, 2002 (File name: keller1.htm)
  • Comments of Nora M. Jordan, Davis Polk & Wardwell, New York, N.Y., January 18, 2002 (File name: jordan1.htm)
  • Comments of Fidelity Management & Research Company, Boston, Mass., January 18, 2002 (File name: fidelitym1.htm)
  • Comments of Jay S. Neuman and John D. Johnson, Federated Investors, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa., January 17, 2002 (File name: neuman1.htm)
  • Comments of Joseph T. Turo, Jr., Fleet National Bank and Fleet Investment Advisors, Inc., Boston, Mass., January 17, 2002 (File name: turo1.htm)
  • Comments of Five Florida International Unversity Students, University Park Campus, Miami, FL, November 27, 2001 (File name: fius1.htm)

Modified: 06/09/2009