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SEC Special Studies

The Commission or Commission staff often undertake special projects to study and report on current trends and issues facing the securities industry. These files will be updated on a periodic basis.

Studies currently available include:

Fourth Quarter | Third Quarter | Second Quarter | First Quarter

Additional Archives

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Date Study
Oct. 18, 2004 Report on Administrative Proceedings for the Period April 1, 2004 through September 30, 2004
Jul. 1, 2004 Report on Transactions in Municipal Securities (PDF, 2.4Mb)
The report examines various characteristics of the more than 7 million transactions in municipal securities, aggregating $2.6 trillion, that took place between November 1, 1999 and October 31, 2000 and of the $2 trillion of municipal securities that were outstanding during that period. The report provides summary information on spreads, trading volume and turnover, and the variation in prices received (or paid) by customers purchasing the same municipal security on the same day. The reports also examines transaction activity classified by various characteristics of the bond, including interest rate type (fixed, variable or zero), issuance amount, insured status, rating, and maturity and includes information on other topics that may be of use in analyzing and understanding municipal securities markets.
Jun. 9, 2004 Variable Insurance Products (in PDF Format)
Joint SEC/NASD Staff Report on Examination Findings Regarding Broker-Dealer Sales of Variable Insurance Products summarizes sound and weak practices identified during examinations. The findings describe practices noted during the examinations of broker-dealer sales of variable insurance products, particularly in the areas of suitability, sales practices, conflicts of interest, supervision, disclosure, books and records, and training. The Commission is making the report public in order to highlight issues in this area and to assist broker-dealers in evaluating their own compliance programs.
Apr. 30, 2004 Report on Administrative Proceedings for the Period October 1, 2003 through March 31, 2004

Modified: 12/24/2013