U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission


Issue 2013-67
April 9, 2013

Commission announcements

Commission Announces Panelists for Roundtable on Fixed Income Markets

The Securities and Exchange Commission (Commission) today announced the panelists who will participate in its April 16 roundtable on ways to improve the transparency and efficiency of the fixed income markets.

As previously announced, the roundtable will consist of four panels.  The participants in the first panel will discuss the characteristics of the municipal securities market.  The second panel will focus on the characteristics of the corporate bond and asset-backed securities markets and how they compare to the municipal securities market. The third panel will discuss potential steps to improve the transparency, liquidity, efficiency, or other structural aspects of the municipal securities market.  The fourth panel will discuss potential steps to improve the transparency, liquidity, efficiency, or other structural aspects of the corporate bond and asset-backed securities markets.

The roundtable discussion will be held in the multi-purpose room of the SEC’s headquarters at 100 F Street, N.E., in Washington, D.C., beginning at 8:30 a.m. and ending at approximately 4:15 p.m.  The public is invited to attend, with seating available on a first-come, first-served basis.  The event will be webcast live on the Commission’s website at www.sec.gov and archived for later viewing. (Press Rel. 2013-55)

Enforcement proceedings

In The Matter Of Richard P. Sandru

The Commission announced the issuance of an Order Instituting Administrative And Cease-And-Desist Proceedings Pursuant to Sections 15(b) and 21C of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act), Sections 203(f) and 203(k) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (Advisers Act), and Section 9(b) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (Investment Company Act) (Order) against Richard P. Sandru. 

The Division of Enforcement alleges in the Order that from at least December 2009 through March 2011 (the relevant period), while associated with an investment adviser and broker-dealer registered with the Commission, Sandru misappropriated at least $308,850 in purported “financial planning fees” from at least 47 advisory clients.  The Order further alleges that during the relevant period, Sandru also made oral and written misrepresentations regarding client account values to certain clients to conceal their diminishing account values and induce them to allow him to continue to purchase and sell securities in their accounts and receive advisory fees from their dwindling account balances.  The Order alleges that Sandru willfully violated Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5 thereunder and willfully violated, or, in the alternative, willfully aided and abetted and caused violations of, Sections 206(1) and 206(2) of the Advisers Act.

A hearing will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge to provide Sandru an opportunity to respond to the allegations of the Division contained in the Order, to determine whether these allegations are true, and to determine whether remedial sanctions, a cease-and-desist order, disgorgement and civil penalties should be ordered against Sandru. As directed by the Commission, the administrative law judge shall issue an initial decision in this matter not later than 300 days from the date of service of the Order.  (Rel. 34- 69348; IA- 3579; IC-30453; File No. 3-15268)

In The Matter Of James C. Fields

The Commission announced the issuance of an Order suspending James C. Fields from appearing or practicing before the Commission pursuant to Rule 102(e)(2) of the Commission’s Rules of Practice.  Starting in 1994 until at least 2006, Fields was a certified public accountant licensed in Minnesota. 

The Commission’s forthwith suspension against Fields is based on a February 26, 2013 judgment of criminal conviction entered against him in in United States of America v. James C. Fields 10-CR-10388-DPW in the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, finding him guilty of twenty eight criminal charges, including securities fraud, false statements to company auditors and false statements and false certifications in SEC filings.  As a result of his conviction, Fields was sentenced to 60 months’ imprisonment, to be followed by three years of supervised release and the payment of restitution to be determined at a later hearing. (Rel. 34-69353; AAE- 3453; File No. 3-15270)

In The Matter Of Anthony John Johnson

The Commission announced the issuance of an Order Instituting Administrative Proceedings Pursuant to Section 15(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Section 203(f) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and Notice of Hearing against Anthony John Johnson. 

In the Order, the Division of Enforcement alleges that on November 19, 2008, Johnson pled guilty to conspiracy to commit securities, mail, and wire fraud in violation of Title 18 United States Code Section 317 before the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York in United States v. Johnson, Case Number 07-cr-854-3 (FB).  The criminal indictment in this case, alleged that between March 2002 and March 2003, under the direction and supervision of Johnson and others, brokers at Park Capital Securities, LLC (Park Capital) engaged in misrepresentations and material omissions to induce retail customers to purchase and refrain from selling certain stock.  Additionally, Johnson engaged in manipulative trading by opening an account in the name of his brother, exercising control of the account, and executing highly profitable trades by cross-trading stock between that account and other Park Capital retail customers.  Johnson’s account profited, while most other customer accounts suffered losses. 

In the Order, the Division of Enforcement further alleges that on June 14, 2012, Johnson pled guilty to one count of mail fraud in violation of Title 18 United States Code Section 1341 before the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York in United States v. Johnson, Case Number 11-cr-287 (ENV).  The criminal information in this case alleged that from approximately August 2010 to April 2011, Johnson operated a Ponzi scheme through Gibraltar Partners Inc. (Gibraltar).  Johnson, through Gibraltar and other entities, solicited investor money, representing that the funds would be invested.  As part of this scheme, Johnson invested some investor money into two hedge funds, RAHFCO Funds LP and RAHFCO Growth Fund LP (collectively RAHFCO Hedge Funds), without disclosing to the Gibraltar investors that the RAHFCO Hedge Funds’ trading strategy was failing.  The majority of Gibraltar investor funds, however, were not invested, but instead were used to pay back prior Gibraltar investors.  

A hearing will be scheduled before an administrative law judge to determine whether the allegations in the Order are true, to provide Johnson with an opportunity to respond to these allegations, and to determine what, if any, remedial action is appropriate in the public interest.  The Order directed the Administrative Law Judge to issue an initial decision within 210 days from the date of service of the Order.  (Rel. 34-69352; IA- 3580; File No. 3-15269)

In the Matter of Robert David Beauchene

Robert David Beauchene has been barred from the securities industry.  The sanction was ordered in an administrative proceeding before an administrative law judge, following an October 2012 conviction for securities and wire fraud.  His wrongdoing included obtaining, by false representations, at least $160,000 from four investors for investment in a purported hedge fund.  Instead, Beauchene used the investors’ funds primarily to pay personal expenses.     (Rel. 34-69355, IA-3581, IC-30455; File No. 3-14351)    

Investment company act releases

AIP Series Trust and Morgan Stanley AIP GP LP

An order has been issued on an application filed by AIP Series Trust and Morgan Stanley AIP GP LP for an order under Section 12(d)(1)(J) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (Act) for an exemption from Sections 12(d)(1)(A) and (B) of the Act, under Sections 6(c) and 17(b) of the Act for an exemption from Sections 17(a)(1) and 17(a)(2) of the Act, and under Section 6(c) of the Act for an exemption from Rule 12d1-2(a) under the Act.  The order permits (a) certain registered open-end management investment companies that operate as “funds of funds” to acquire shares of other registered open-end management investment companies and unit investment trusts that are within and outside the same group of investment companies as the acquiring investment companies, and (b) funds of funds relying on Rule 12d1-2 under the Act to invest in certain financial instruments. (Rel. IC-30450 - April 8, 2013

Krane Funds Advisors LLC, et al.

An order has issued on an application filed by Krane Funds Advisors LLC, et al.  The order permits:  (a) certain open-end management investment companies or series thereof to issue shares (Shares) redeemable in large aggregations only (Creation Units); (b) secondary market transactions in Shares to occur at negotiated market prices; (c) certain series to pay redemption proceeds, under certain circumstances, more than seven days from the tender of Shares for redemption; (d) certain affiliated persons of the series to deposit securities into, and receive securities from, the series in connection with the purchase and redemption of Creation Units; and (e) certain registered management investment companies and unit investment trusts outside of the same group of investment companies as the series to acquire Shares.  (Rel. IC-30452 - April 8, 2013)

Renaissance Capital Greenwich Funds, et al.

An order has issued on an application filed by Renaissance Capital Greenwich Funds, et al.  The order permits:  (a) series of certain open-end management investment companies to issue shares (Shares) redeemable in large aggregations only (Creation Units); (b) secondary market transactions in Shares to occur at negotiated market prices; (c) certain series to pay redemption proceeds, under certain circumstances, more than seven days from the tender of Shares for redemption; (d) certain affiliated persons of the series to deposit securities into, and receive securities from, the series in connection with the purchase and redemption of Creation Units; and (e) certain registered management investment companies and unit investment trusts outside of the same group of investment companies as the series to acquire Shares. (Rel. IC-30451 - April 8, 2013)

Self-regulatory organizations

Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change

A proposed rule change (SR-BOX-2013-19) filed by BOX Options Exchange LLC to amend the Fee Schedule for trading on BOX has become effective pursuant to Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of April 8th.  (Rel. 34-69936)

Order Approving Proposed Rule Change

The Commission approved a proposed rule change (SR-CBOE-2013-019) filed by Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 19b-4 thereunder relating to Market-Maker continuous quoting obligations.  Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of April 8th.    (Rel. 34-69338)

The Commission granted accelerated approval of a proposed rule change, as modified by Amendment No. 1, filed by NYSE MKT LLC (SR-NYSEMKT-2013-10) to adopt new Rule 953.1NY to provide for how the Exchange proposes to treat orders, market-making quoting obligations and errors in response to the Regulation NMS Plan to Address Extraordinary Market Volatility, and amend Rule 953NY to codify that the Exchange shall halt trading in all options overlying NMS Stocks when the equities markets initiate a market-wide trading halt due to extraordinary market volatility.  Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of April 8th.   (Rel. 34-69339)

The Commission granted accelerated approval of a proposed rule change, as modified by Amendment No. 1, filed by NYSE Arca, Inc. (SR-NYSEARCA-2013-10) to adopt new Rule 6.65A to provide for how the Exchange proposes to treat orders, market-making quoting obligations and errors in response to the Regulation NMS Plan to Address Extraordinary Market Volatility, and amend Rule 6.65 to codify that the Exchange shall halt trading in all options overlying NMS Stocks when the equities markets initiate a market-wide trading halt due to extraordinary market volatility.  Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of April 8th.  (Rel. 34-69340)

The Commission granted accelerated approval of a proposed rule change filed by The NASDAQ Stock Market LLC (SR-NASDAQ-2013-048) to adopt Chapter V, Section 3(d)(iv) regarding Obvious Error or Catastrophic Error Review.  Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of April 8th.  (Rel. 34-69341)

The Commission granted accelerated approval of a proposed rule change filed by Miami International Securities Exchange LLC (SR-MIAX-2013-12) relating to Obvious Errors in Limit or Straddle States.  Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of April 8th.  (Rel. 34-69342)

The Commission granted accelerated approval of a proposed rule change filed by NASDAQ OMX BX, Inc. (SR-BX-2013-026) to adopt Chapter V, Section 3(d)(iv) regarding Obvious Error or Catastrophic Error Review.  Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of April 8th.  (Rel. 34-69343)

The Commission granted accelerated approval of a proposed rule change filed by NASDAQ OMX PHLX LLC (SR-PHLX-2013-29) to address Obvious and Catastrophic Options Errors in response to the Regulation NMS Plan to Address Extraordinary Market Volatility. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of April 8th.  (Rel. 34-69344)

The Commission noticed Amendment No. 1 for comment and granted approval on an accelerated basis of a proposed rule change, modified by Amendments No. 1 and 2, submitted by C2 Options Exchange, Incorporated (SR-C2-2013-013) relating to the Regulation NMS Plan to Address Extraordinary Market Volatility.  Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of April 8th.  (Rel. 34-69345)

Securities Act Registrations

The following registration statements have been filed with the SEC under the Securities Act of 1933. The reported information appears as follows: Form, Name, Address and Phone Number (if available) of the issuer of the security; Title and the number and/or face amount of the securities being offered; Name of the managing underwriter or depositor (if applicable); File number and date filed; Assigned Branch; and a designation if the statement is a New Issue.

Registration statements may be viewed in person in the Commission's Public Reference Branch at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. To obtain paper copies, please refer to information on the Commission's Web site at http://www.sec.gov/answers/publicdocs.htm. In most cases, you can view and download this information by using the search function located at http://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/companysearch.html.

S-8   Pinnacle Foods Inc., 399 JEFFERSON ROAD, PARSIPPANY, NJ, 07054, 
    973-541-6620 - 0 ($269,712,060.15) Equity, (File 333-187774 - Apr. 8) 
    (BR. 04B)

    NY, 10001, 2128278000 - 0 ($11,165,316.00) Equity, (File 333-187775 - 
    Apr. 8) (BR. 05A)

S-4   ALERE INC., 51 SAWYER ROAD, SUITE 200, WALTHAM, MA, 02453, 7816473900 - 
    0 ($450,000,000.00) Debt, (File 333-187776 - Apr. 8) (BR. 01A)

S-3   iShares S&P GSCI Commodity-Indexed Trust, 400 HOWARD STREET, 
    SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 94105, 415-670-2000 - 0 ($1.00) Equity, 
    (File 333-187777 - Apr. 8) (BR. 08B)

    48034-8334, 2483532700 - 0 ($0.00) Unallocated (Universal) Shelf, 
    (File 333-187778 - Apr. 8) (BR. 07B)

    512-473-2783 - 0 ($110,848,500.00) Equity, (File 333-187779 - Apr. 8) 
    (BR. 05B)

S-1   Global System Designs, Inc., 24123 PEACHLAND BLVD., C-4, #106, 
    PORT CHARLOTTE, FL, 33954, 941-613-9858 - 
    4,725,000 ($94,500.00) Equity, (File 333-187782 - Apr. 8) (BR. 11)

S-1   First NBC Bank Holding Co, 210 BARONNE STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA, 70112, 
    (504) 566-8000 - 0 ($115,000,000.00) Equity, (File 333-187787 - Apr. 8) 
    (BR. 07)

S-8   Arista Power, Inc., 1999 MOUNT READ BLVD, ROCHESTER, NY, 14615, 
    585-243-4040 - 750,000 ($876,353.00) Equity, (File 333-187790 - Apr. 8) 
    (BR. 10A)

S-3ASR Macquarie Infrastructure CO LLC, 125 WEST 55TH STREET, 22ND FLOOR, 
    NEW YORK, NY, 10019, 212-231-1000 - 0 ($0.00) Debt, (File 333-187794 - 
    Apr. 8) (BR. 04B)

S-3ASR Targa Resources Partners LP, 1000 LOUISIANA, SUITE 4300, HOUSTON, TX, 
    77002, (713)584-1000 - 0 ($0.00) Unallocated (Universal) Shelf, 
    (File 333-187795 - Apr. 8) (BR. 02C)

S-8   Hi-Crush Partners LP, Three Riverway, Suite 1550, Houston, TX, 77056, 
    713-963-0099 - 0 ($26,012,148.00) Limited Partnership Interests, 
    (File 333-187796 - Apr. 8) (BR. 09)

    7139693293 - 0 ($50,000,000.00) Equity, (File 333-187797 - Apr. 8) 
    (BR. 04A)

    CO, 95765, 646-450-1843 - 2,421,429 ($1,186,500.00) Equity, 
    (File 333-187798 - Apr. 8) (BR. 11C)

S-8   Cellular Biomedicine Group, Inc., 530 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, #17, 
    PALO ALTO, CA, 94301, 480 966 2020 - 480,000 ($2,400,000.00) Equity, 
    (File 333-187799 - Apr. 8) (BR. 07C)

    3135913000 - 750,000 ($20,212,500.00) Equity, (File 333-187800 - 
    Apr. 8) (BR. 11A)

S-3   Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 200 CONNELL DRIVE, SUITE 1500, 
    BERKELEY HEIGHTS, NJ, 07922, 908-517-7330 - 0 ($75,000,000.00) Other, 
    (File 333-187801 - Apr. 8) (BR. 01A)

    916-355-4000 - 1,500,000 ($20,280,000.00) Equity, (File 333-187802 - 
    Apr. 8) (BR. 06C)

    TN, 37931, 865-769-4011 - 0 ($6,382,725.46) Equity, (File 333-187803 - 
    Apr. 8) (BR. 01B)

N-2   WhiteHorse Finance, Inc., 1450 Brickell Avenue, 31st Floor, Miami, FL, 
    33131, (305) 379-2322 - 0 ($1,000,000.00) Debt, (File 333-187805 - 
    Apr. 8) (BR. 17)

 Recent 8K Filings

Form 8-K is used by companies to file current reports on the following events:


Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement


Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement


Bankruptcy or Receivership


Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets


Results of Operations and Financial Condition


Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant


Triggering Events That Accelerate or Increase a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement


Cost Associated with Exit or Disposal Activities


Material Impairments


Notice of Delisting or Failure to Satisfy a Continued Listing Rule or Standard; Transfer of Listing


Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities


Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders


Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant


Non-Reliance on Previously Issued Financial Statements or a Related Audit Report or Completed Interim Review


Changes in Control of Registrant


Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officer


Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year


Temporary Suspension of Trading Under Registrant's Employee Benefit Plans


Amendments to the Registrant's Code of Ethics, or Waiver of a Provision of the Code of Ethics


Change in Shell Company Status


ABS Informational and Computational Material.


Change of Servicer or Trustee.


Change in Credit Enhancement or Other External Support.


Failure to Make a Required Distribution.


Securities Act Updating Disclosure.


Regulation FD Disclosure


Other Events


Financial Statements and Exhibits

8-K reports may be viewed in person in the Commission's Public Reference Branch at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C.  To obtain paper copies, please refer to information on the Commission's Web site at http://www.sec.gov/answers/publicdocs.htm.  In most cases, you can view and download this information by using the search function located at http://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/companysearch.html.

NAME OF ISSUER                          CODE     8K ITEM NO.          DATE        COMMENT

ABRAXAS PETROLEUM CORP                  NV       7.01,9.01            04/08/13

Adamis Pharmaceuticals Corp             DE       1.01,2.03,3.02,9.01  04/05/13

Advanced Voice Recognition Systems, I   NV       4.01,9.01            04/02/13

ADVISORY BOARD CO                       DE       5.02,9.01            04/02/13

ALERE INC.                              DE       8.01,9.01            04/05/13

Altisource Residential Corp                      5.03,9.01            04/04/13

AMC Networks Inc.                       DE       8.01                 04/08/13

AMERICAN AIRLINES INC                   DE       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

American Realty Capital Properties, I   MD       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

AMERICAN RIVER BANKSHARES               CA       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

AMR CORP                                DE       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

Anacor Pharmaceuticals Inc              DE       3.02,8.01,9.01       04/05/13

ANWORTH MORTGAGE ASSET CORP             MD       3.03,8.01,9.01       04/08/13

ARCTIC CAT INC                          MN       5.02                 04/08/13

ASIA PROPERTIES INC                     NV       1.01                 04/03/13

ASSURED GUARANTY LTD                    D0       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

ASTORIA FINANCIAL CORP                  DE       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

AUTHENTIDATE HOLDING CORP               DE       3.02,5.07,8.01,9.01  04/05/13

Avery Dennison Corp                     DE       1.01,9.01            04/08/13

AVIS BUDGET GROUP, INC.                 DE       1.01,2.03,9.01       04/04/13

AVON PRODUCTS INC                       NY       2.05                 04/04/13

Bacterin International Holdings, Inc.   DE       5.02                 04/05/13

Bank of Marin Bancorp                   CA       7.01,9.01            04/08/13

Be Active Holdings, Inc.                DE       4.01,9.01            04/03/13

BIOMERICA INC                           DE       1.01,1.02            04/02/13

BLUE DOLPHIN ENERGY CO                  DE       2.02,9.01            04/08/13

BMC SOFTWARE INC                        DE       2.05,9.01            04/02/13

BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB CO                 DE       5.02,9.01            04/03/13

BSD MEDICAL CORP                        DE       7.01,9.01            04/08/13

CACHE INC                               FL       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

CACHE INC                               FL       5.02,5.07            04/02/13

CAREER EDUCATION CORP                   DE       5.02,9.01            04/06/13

CASCADE CORP                            OR       5.03,9.01            04/05/13

CATHAY GENERAL BANCORP                  DE       8.01                 04/05/13

CENTRAL EUROPEAN DISTRIBUTION CORP      DE       1.03,2.04,8.01,9.01  04/07/13

Cereplast Inc                           NV       5.07                 04/05/13

CHAMPION INDUSTRIES INC                 WV       1.01,5.02,9.01       04/08/13

Charter Financial Corp                  MD       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

CHARTER FINANCIAL CORP/GA                        8.01,9.01            04/08/13

CHESAPEAKE ENERGY CORP                  OK       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

CHIQUITA BRANDS INTERNATIONAL INC       NJ       5.02                 04/08/13

CHRISTOPHER & BANKS CORP                DE       7.01,9.01            04/08/13

CHROMCRAFT REVINGTON INC                DE       3.01,9.01            04/05/13

CHS INC                                 MN       5.05                 04/03/13

CHUY'S HOLDINGS, INC.                   DE       2.02,9.01            04/08/13

CIBER INC                                        5.02,9.01            10/04/11

CombiMatrix Corp                        DE       1.01,3.02,9.01       04/04/13

COMM 2013-CCRE6 Mortgage Trust          DE       8.01                 04/08/13

Commercial Vehicle Group, Inc.          DE       5.02,9.01            04/03/13

COMPUTER TASK GROUP INC                 NY       7.01,9.01            04/08/13

COMTECH TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP /DE/    DE       1.01,9.01            04/03/13

CONSTELLATION BRANDS, INC.              DE       7.01,8.01,9.01       04/05/13

CORRECTIONS CORP OF AMERICA             MD       1.01,2.03,8.01,9.01  04/03/13

COUSINS PROPERTIES INC                  GA       8.01                 03/29/13

CPI CORP                                DE       1.01,1.02,2.05,8.01  04/03/13

CREDIT ACCEPTANCE CORP                  MI       2.02,8.01,9.01       04/08/13

CROSSROADS SYSTEMS INC                  DE       3.01                 04/02/13

CROSSTEX ENERGY INC                     DE       7.01,9.01            04/08/13

CROSSTEX ENERGY LP                      DE       7.01,9.01            04/08/13

CTC Media, Inc.                                  5.02                 04/02/13

CUMBERLAND PHARMACEUTICALS INC                   8.01                 04/08/13

Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc.          DE       8.01                 04/05/13

CYCLONE POWER TECHNOLOGIES INC          FL       7.01,9.01            04/03/13

DEL TORO SILVER CORP.                   NV       1.01,3.02,9.01       04/02/13

DELCATH SYSTEMS INC                     DE       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

DENTSPLY INTERNATIONAL INC /DE/         DE       5.02                 04/08/13

DOT HILL SYSTEMS CORP                   DE       2.02,8.01,9.01       04/08/13

DTE ENERGY CO                           MI       7.01,9.01            04/08/13

ECOLAB INC                              DE       7.01,8.01,9.01       04/08/13

EDAC TECHNOLOGIES CORP                  WI       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

EMERSON ELECTRIC CO                     MO       5.03,8.01,9.01       04/02/13

EnDev Holdings Inc.                     NV       5.02,7.01,9.01       04/03/13

Energy Recovery, Inc.                   DE       5.02,9.01            04/03/13

ERP OPERATING LTD PARTNERSHIP           MD       8.01,9.01            04/03/13

EWaste Systems, Inc.                    NV       1.01,3.02,9.01       04/05/13

Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas                 2.03,9.01            04/02/13

FIRST SOLAR, INC.                       DE       5.02                 04/03/13

FNB CORP/FL/                            FL       3.02,7.01,9.01       04/06/13

FOCUS GOLD Corp                                  3.02,8.01,9.01       04/05/13

FORMFACTOR INC                          DE       4.01,9.01            04/02/13

Freescale Semiconductor, Ltd.           D0       5.02,9.01            04/02/13

FX ENERGY INC                           NV       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

FX ENERGY INC                           NV       7.01,9.01            04/08/13

FXCM Inc.                                        7.01,9.01            04/08/13

GASCO ENERGY INC                        NV       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

GASTAR EXPLORATION LTD                           7.01,9.01            04/08/13

General Motors Financial Company, Inc   TX       8.01,9.01            04/05/13

Genius Brands International, Inc.       NV       2.02,9.01            04/02/13

Global Growth Trust, Inc.               MD       5.03,9.01            04/08/13

Golub Capital BDC, Inc.                 DE       2.02,9.01            04/08/13

GREENBRIER COMPANIES INC                OR       5.02                 04/02/13

GreenHunter Energy, Inc.                DE       2.02,7.01,9.01       04/08/13

Hanover Portfolio Acquisitions, Inc.    DE       1.01,8.01,9.01       04/02/13

HARBINGER GROUP INC.                    DE       5.02,5.07            04/08/13

HARBOR ISLAND DEVELOPMENT CORP.                  5.01,5.02            04/03/13

HARBOR ISLAND DEVELOPMENT CORP.                  1.01,9.01            04/04/13

HARSCO CORP                             DE       5.02,9.01            04/08/13

HASCO Medical, Inc.                     FL       5.02                 04/08/13

HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES INC        HI       8.01                 04/08/13

HomeStreet, Inc.                        WA       7.01,9.01            04/08/13

HomeStreet, Inc.                        WA       7.01,9.01            04/08/13

HST Global, Inc.                        DE       4.01,8.01            04/08/13

HUDSON VALLEY HOLDING CORP              NY       5.02,9.01            04/04/13    AMEND

ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS INC                 DE       5.02,9.01            04/02/13

IMMUNOGEN INC                           MA       7.01                 04/07/13

Immunovative, Inc.                      FL       5.02,9.01            03/28/13

Independent Bank Group Inc              TX       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

Indigo-Energy, Inc.                     NV       1.03,5.02,9.01       11/01/12

INTERNATIONAL ISOTOPES INC              TX       7.01,9.01            04/08/13

INTERPUBLIC GROUP OF COMPANIES, INC.    DE       8.01                 04/08/13

INVESTMENT TECHNOLOGY GROUP INC         DE       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

Investors Bancorp Inc                   DE       1.01,9.01            04/05/13

ISIS PHARMACEUTICALS INC                DE       1.01,9.01            04/08/13

ITC Holdings Corp.                      MI       1.01,2.03,9.01       04/04/13

IXIA                                    CA       3.01                 04/03/13

J C PENNEY CO INC                       DE       5.02,9.01            04/08/13

Jacksonville Bancorp, Inc.              MD       2.02,9.01            04/08/13

KALEX CORP                              DE       1.01,5.03,9.01       04/02/13

KB HOME                                 DE       5.07                 04/04/13

KFORCE INC                              FL       5.07                 04/05/13

LIBERATOR MEDICAL HOLDINGS, INC.        NV       9.01                 04/05/13

LODGENET INTERACTIVE CORP               DE       8.01,9.01            03/28/13

LUCAS ENERGY, INC.                      NV       1.01,2.03,           04/04/13

LUFKIN INDUSTRIES INC                   TX       1.01,9.01            04/05/13

MAC-GRAY CORP                           DE       1.02,3.03,           04/08/13

MAGELLAN HEALTH SERVICES INC            DE       5.02,9.01            04/03/13

MAGICJACK VOCALTEC LTD                  L3       1.01,5.02,9.01       04/08/13

MAGNUM HUNTER RESOURCES CORP            DE       1.01,2.03,9.01       04/02/13

Manitex International, Inc.             MI       1.01,2.03,9.01       04/03/13

MARILYNJEAN INTERACTIVE INC.                     1.01,5.03,9.01       04/04/13

MBIA INC                                CT       8.01                 04/08/13

MCCORMICK & CO INC                      MD       5.02,5.07            04/03/13

Med One Oak, Inc.                       DE       4.01,9.01            04/05/13    AMEND

MEDTRONIC INC                           MN       8.01                 04/08/13

MeetMe, Inc.                            DE       5.02                 04/02/13

Memorial Production Partners LP         DE       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

Memorial Production Partners LP         DE       9.01                 03/28/13    AMEND

Mistras Group, Inc.                     DE       2.02,9.01            04/08/13

MOHAWK INDUSTRIES INC                   DE       2.01,9.01            04/03/13

Mondelez International, Inc.            VA       7.01,9.01            01/01/13

Monster Beverage Corp                   DE       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

MUTUALFIRST FINANCIAL INC               MD       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

MVC CAPITAL, INC.                       DE       5.07                 04/03/13

NAKED BRAND GROUP INC.                  NV       4.01,9.01            04/05/13

NATIONAL HOLDINGS CORP                  DE       5.07                 04/04/13

NATURAL RESOURCE PARTNERS LP            DE       9.01                 01/23/13    AMEND

NAVISTAR INTERNATIONAL CORP             DE       1.01,2.03,8.01,9.01  04/02/13

Neuralstem, Inc.                        DE       8.01,9.01            04/05/13

NEW AMERICA ENERGY CORP.                NV       4.01,9.01            03/27/13

NEW FOUND SHRIMP INC                    IN       4.01                 04/08/13

NEWLINK GENETICS CORP                            8.01,9.01            04/08/13

NewStar Financial, Inc.                          1.01,2.03,8.01,9.01  04/04/13

NOBILITY HOMES INC                      FL       4.01,9.01            04/03/13

NorthStar Healthcare Income, Inc.       MD       1.01,8.01            04/05/13

NORTHSTAR REALTY FINANCE CORP.          MD       2.01,7.01,9.01       04/05/13

NORTHWEST BIOTHERAPEUTICS INC           DE       2.02,9.01            04/08/13

NOVAGEN SOLAR INC.                      NV       4.01,9.01            04/03/13

Novus Robotics Inc.                     NV       5.02,9.01            04/01/13

NYSE Euronext                           DE       2.02,9.01            04/05/13

Oaktree Capital Group, LLC              DE       8.01                 04/08/13    AMEND

OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP /DE/          DE       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

OCTAGON 88 RESOURCES, INC.              NV       5.02,8.01,9.01       04/08/13

OptimizeRx Corp                         NV       7.01                 04/05/13

ORAGENICS INC                           FL       8.01,9.01            04/05/13

Orion Marine Group Inc                           8.01                 04/05/13

OSAGE EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT INC     DE       1.01,9.01            04/08/13

Pacific Green Technologies Inc.         DE       1.01,2.01,3.02,9.01  04/03/13

PediatRx Inc.                           NV       5.01,5.02,8.01       03/14/13

PHARMACYCLICS INC                       DE       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

PHARMACYCLICS INC                       DE       7.01,9.01            04/08/13

Phillips Edison - ARC Shopping Center   MD       8.01                 04/04/13
PHOTRONICS INC                          CT       5.07                 04/03/13

PLC SYSTEMS INC                         B0       8.01                 04/08/13

PNC FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP, INC.      PA       8.01                 04/08/13

PRGX GLOBAL, INC.                       GA       5.02                 04/02/13

ProText Mobility, Inc.                  DE       4.01                 04/08/13

Quanex Building Products CORP           DE       5.02                 04/03/13

RESEARCH FRONTIERS INC                  DE       1.01,9.01            04/08/13

RESEARCH FRONTIERS INC                  DE       1.01,9.01            04/04/13

Resource Capital Corp.                  MD       2.03,9.01            04/02/13

Rhino Resource Partners LP              DE       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

ROTECH HEALTHCARE INC                   DE       1.03,2.04,9.01       04/07/13

SAFECODE DRUG TECHNOLOGIES CORP.        DE       5.02,9.01            04/08/13

SALEM COMMUNICATIONS CORP /DE/          DE       1.02                 04/03/13

Santo Mining Corp.                      NV       1.01,2.01,           03/13/13

SBA COMMUNICATIONS CORP                 FL       8.01,9.01            04/04/13

SCANSOURCE INC                          SC       9.01                 04/08/13

SCHULMAN A INC                          DE       2.02,9.01            04/08/13

SCICLONE PHARMACEUTICALS INC            DE       4.01,9.01            04/08/13

Sensata Technologies Holding N.V.       P7       5.02,9.01            04/05/13

SENSIENT TECHNOLOGIES CORP              WI       1.01,2.03,9.01       04/05/13

Sitoa Global Inc.                       DE       5.02                 04/08/13

SkyPeople Fruit Juice, Inc              FL       1.01,8.01,9.01       04/03/13

Solar Senior Capital Ltd.               MD       7.01,9.01            04/08/13

SOURCEFIRE INC                          DE       5.02,8.01,9.01       04/08/13

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO           CA       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

Spectra Energy Partners, LP             DE       1.01,9.01            04/03/13

SPINDLE, INC.                           NV       5.02                 04/01/13

STAAR SURGICAL CO                       DE       2.02,8.01,9.01       04/08/13

STAGE STORES INC                        NV       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

STARWOOD PROPERTY TRUST, INC.                    9.01                 04/08/13

STARWOOD PROPERTY TRUST, INC.                    7.01                 04/08/13

SYNAGEVA BIOPHARMA CORP                 DE       1.01,8.01            04/05/13

SYNOPSYS INC                            DE       5.02,5.07,9.01       04/03/13

Texas Gulf Energy Inc                   NV       7.01                 04/04/13

Timberline Resources Corp               DE       7.01,9.01            04/05/13

TNP Strategic Retail Trust, Inc.        MD       7.01,9.01            04/08/13

TNP Strategic Retail Trust, Inc.        MD       1.01,2.03,9.01       04/01/13

Tongxin International, Ltd.             D8       5.02,9.01            04/05/13

TORCHMARK CORP                          DE       5.02,9.01            04/08/13

TRANS LUX CORP                          DE       1.01,3.03,5.02       04/08/13

U S PHYSICAL THERAPY INC /NV            NV       7.01,9.01            04/08/13

UMH PROPERTIES, INC.                    MD       7.01,9.01            04/08/13

Uni-Pixel                               DE       8.01                 04/08/13

United Continental Holdings, Inc.       DE       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

UROLOGIX INC                            MN       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

UV FLU TECHNOLOGIES INC                 NV       5.02                 04/04/13

Vanity Events Holding, Inc.             DE       1.01,9.01            04/02/13

VERISIGN INC/CA                         DE       2.02,7.01,8.01,9.01  04/08/13

VERISIGN INC/CA                         DE       2.02,9.01            04/08/13

WESBANCO INC                            WV       2.02,9.01            04/08/13

WESTLAKE CHEMICAL CORP                  DE       5.02,9.01            04/05/13

WESTMORELAND COAL Co                    DE       5.02                 04/08/13

WMS INDUSTRIES INC /DE/                 DE       8.01,9.01            04/08/13

XCEL ENERGY INC                         MN       8.01                 04/03/13

ZaZa Energy Corp                        DE       5.02,9.01            04/08/13

ZOLTEK COMPANIES INC                    DE       5.02,8.01,9.01       04/02/13



Modified: 04/09/2013