Subject: File No. SR-NASDAQ-2006-040
From: William C. Monigle
Affiliation: President, Bill Monigle Associates

November 29, 2006

Regarding the proposal by NASDAQ to bundle news distribution and other services into its 2007 listing fees, I would like to submit my concerns and request for SEC disapproval.

I feel that it is vitally important to retain freedom of choice in the newswire service we use.

NASDAQ has not disclosed how much of the rate increase will be appropriated for news releases or the other services, making it impossible for us to compare costs to other providers. We will be forced to use PrimeZone or accept paying twice to use our preferred wire service.

We believe it is vital that all companies have a choice of wire services without having to pay twice and that fair competition is necessary to ensure wide and full disclosure of relevant company news to all relevant distribution points in the marketplace. In our view, those elements are critical not only for individual listed companies to achieve the news impact and reputation they deserve, but also for the health and integrity of the capital markets overall.

Please disapprove this Nasdaq request.

Thank you.